Today to share the knowledge of aluminum alloy wireless charging process, which will also explain the wireless charging of aluminum shell, if you happen to solve the problem you a...

Aluminum alloy wireless charging process (aluminum shell wireless charging)

Today to share the knowledge of aluminum alloy wireless charging process, which will also explain the wireless charging of aluminum shell, if you happen to solve the problem you are now facing, don't forget to pay attention to the site, start now!

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  • 1. What are the general steps in the quality control process of CNC precision machining of aluminum alloy parts?
  • 2, Processing method of smelting waste aluminum into aluminum ingots
  • 3, What is the deep processing of aluminum profiles?
  • 4, What are the processing technologies of aluminum alloy
  • 5, What is the aluminum material reprocessing process?
  • What are the general steps in the quality control process of CNC precision machining of aluminum alloy parts?

    Writing or programming: the processing program of the workpiece should be prepared first before processing, if the processing program of the workpiece is long and more complex, it is best not to program on the machine tool, but to use programming machine programming or manual programming, so as to avoid occupying the time, for short programs, it should also be written on the program list. Boot: generally start the machine first, and then open the system. Some designs are interlocked, and the machine can not display information on the CRT without power.

    Boot preparation, clamp the workpiece, the workpiece is located in the center, prepare all the tools according to the programming work instructions, set the processing parameters, start processing, workers self-check the content and scopeAfter each startup or scram reset of the machine, the machine is first returned to the reference zero position (that is, back to zero) so that the machine has a reference position for its future operation.

    General CNC machining usually refers to precision machining, CNC machining lathes, CNC machining milling machines, CNC machining boring and milling machines, etc. CNC lathe feed processing route refers to the path passed by the turning tool from the start of the movement of the tool point (or the fixed origin of the machine tool) to the return point and the end of the processing program, including the path of cutting and cutting tool cutting, cutting out and other non-cutting empty stroke path.

    Processing method of smelting waste aluminum into aluminum ingots

    1, put into the crucible furnace or melting furnace heating melting, and then refine, slag, cast into the mold.

    2, the preparation of waste aluminum First of all, the primary classification of waste aluminum, hierarchical stacking, such as pure aluminum, deformed aluminum alloy, cast aluminum alloy, mixed materials. For the waste aluminum products, it should be disassembled, remove the steel and other non-ferrous metal parts connected with the aluminum material, and then make the waste aluminum material through cleaning, crushing, magnetic separation, drying and other processes.

    3, first of all, the classification and classification of waste aluminumGrade stacking, such as pure aluminum, deformed aluminum alloy, cast aluminum alloy and mixed materials. For scrap aluminum products, the scrap aluminum products should be disassembled, the steel and other non-ferrous metal parts connected with the aluminum material are taken out, and then processed into scrap aluminum products through cleaning, crushing, magnetic separation, drying and other processes. Esses. The liquefaction separation of waste aluminum is the development direction of recycling aluminum in the future.

    4, for aluminum foil paper, it is difficult to effectively separate the aluminum foil layer and the paper fiber layer with ordinary waste paper pulping equipment, the effective separation method is to first put the aluminum foil in an aqueous solution to heat, pressure, and then quickly discharged to a low-pressure environment to decompress, and mechanical mixing. This separation method can recover both fiber pulp and aluminum foil.

    5, the waste aluminum first needs to be preliminically classified, sorted and stacked according to different types of pure aluminum, deformed aluminum alloy, cast aluminum alloy, and mixed materials. Scrap aluminum products need to be disassembled to remove the attached steel and other non-ferrous metal parts, and then converted into scrap aluminum through cleaning, crushing, magnetic separation and drying steps.

    What is the deep processing of aluminum profiles?

    1, aluminum profile deep processing generally refers to fine cutting, milling, drilling,Tapping and other machining steps. Aluminum profile deep processing is to change the original shape of aluminum profile processing. Some also need bending, welding and other processing.

    2, as an aluminum profile manufacturer, we also have deep processing workshop. Generally, our deep processing products are drilling and tapping, and there are more milling slots, mainly installing holes.

    3, there are generally two kinds of industrial aluminum profile punching, one is a straight hole, the other is a step hole. The step hole is suitable for precision instrument frames. It is a kind of upper and lower layer hole made in the profile with a special drill to hide the exposed part of the bolt. Use step holes with aluminum profile boltsThe surface of the aluminum profile frame products connected by the nut is smooth, and the head of the bolt is invisible and beautiful.

    4, aluminum processing, using plastic processing methods to process aluminum billets into materials, the main methods are rolling, extrusion, stretching and forging. Aluminum processing began to be produced in an industrial way at the beginning of the 20th century, and before the 1930s, the production equipment of copper processing was basically used, and the products were mainly used in aircraft manufacturing.

    What are the processing processes of aluminum alloy

    Aluminum and aluminum alloy processing can be divided into rolling, extrusion, drawing, forging, spinning, formingShape processing and deep processing. Rolling is a plastic deformation process in which the ingot is pulled into the rotating roll by the force of friction, and its cross section is reduced, its shape is changed, its thickness is thinned and its length is increased by the pressure exerted by the roll. According to the different rotation direction of the roll, rolling can be divided into longitudinal rolling, horizontal rolling and diagonal rolling.

    High light cutting: The use of fine engraving machine to cut some parts of the aluminum alloy surface, so that these cutting surfaces show a high light area. This process is generally used in mobile phones, high-end TV more, especially those high-end TV is the use of this process, so that the appearance of the TV becomes moreWith a sense of fashion, but also showing a sense of technological sharpness.

    Sandblasting, the main role is to clean the surface, sandblasting before painting (painting or spraying) can increase the surface roughness, and make a certain contribution to the improvement of adhesion, but the contribution is limited, it is not as good as chemical coating before treatment. Passivation is the method of transforming the metal surface into a state that is not easy to be oxidized, and delaying the corrosion rate of the metal.

    The stamping process is known for its easy operation and low cost of mass production. It can easily process complex shaped parts, and: easy to organize production: in mass production, the cost of stamping parts is lower. No additional processing required: stampingPieces usually have high precision, saving subsequent processes. Good interchangeability: the same batch of parts can be interchangeable to ensure the consistency of assembly. The introduction of CNC (computer numerical control) technology has changed the accuracy and flexibility of aluminum alloy processing.

    Sandblasting: The main role is to clean the surface, sandblasting before painting (spray painting or spray) can increase the surface roughness, and make a certain contribution to the improvement of adhesion, but the contribution is limited, it is not as good as chemical coating before treatment. Coloring: There are two main processes for aluminum coloring: one is aluminum oxidation coloring process, and the other is aluminum electrophoresis coloring process.

    What is the aluminum material reprocessing process?

    1, measuring the bending coefficient for the aluminum plate or other material surface and bottom plate that need sheet metal processing, it is necessary to carefully measure the bending coefficient and file it. Sheet metal development diagram For sheet metal processing plates, according to the bending coefficient to draw sheet metal development diagram, and indicate the size. The inside and outside surfaces are not indicated on the drawing, and the expansion drawing is drawn after implementation. In general, the main view on the expansion diagram facing the human side is the inner surface (usually uncoated surface), and other cases should be specified.

    2, the melting furnace is crucial, generally used for the square furnace,Don't forget to check it out on this site.