This article gives you a talk about Nanshan wireless charging coil wholesale, as well as Shenzhen wireless charging manufacturers supply corresponding knowledge points, I hope to h...

Nanshan wireless charging coil wholesale (Shenzhen wireless charging manufacturers supply)

This article gives you a talk about Nanshan wireless charging coil wholesale, as well as Shenzhen wireless charging manufacturers supply corresponding knowledge points, I hope to help you, do not forget to collect the site oh. < / p > < h2 > the article directory list: < / h2 > < ul > < li style = 'margin - bottom: 3 px; list-style: none'>1, Please ask the gods, what harm or change will the wireless charging base increase coil?
  • 2, What's the difference between a single coil and a triple coil?
  • 3, Which wireless charger transmitter coil is good?
  • 4, Looking for mobile phone wireless charging coil supplier, the one in Shenzhen is better, please recommend
  • 5, Wireless charging coil type? Features?
  • Please ask the gods, what harm or change will the wireless charging base increase coil?

    Wireless charging base to increase the coil, or do not modify it, you increase the coil not only did not play a good effect but affect the speed of charging, increase the coil is equal to increase the resistance, it will make the current slow, the coil is proportionally wound, too much or too little can not, coil wound less, there will be damage to the parts, resulting in parts burned spark, For some do not arbitrarily modify the wireless charging base.

    The secondary winding is broken, the wireless charging coil has two windings, one is the main winding, one is the secondary winding, after the secondary winding is damaged, it will cause the main winding to heat, and the output has no voltage.

    The harm is relatively small can be ignored, wireless charging technology although in the 19th centuryIt's already there, but it's not widely used on mobile phones. It uses the principle of "magnetic resonance" to allow the wireless charger to transmit an electric charge through the air to the phone's battery. Many wireless chargers on the market do not indicate radiation values, and electromagnetic radiation standards for wireless chargers have not yet been introduced.

    A changing magnetic field will produce a changing electric field, a changing electric field will produce a changing magnetic field, and its size is related to their rate of change, and the rate of change of the sine function is another sine function, so the electromagnetic wave can be transmitted out, and the induction voltage is related to the change of magnetic flux, so the coil changes insideThe magnetic field generates an induced voltage, which completes the charging process.

    does no harm to mobile phones. Wireless charger uses the latest wireless charging technology, by using the alternating magnetic field generated between the coils, the transmission of electrical energy, inductive coupling technology will become a bridge connecting the charging base station and equipment.

    What's the difference between a single coil and a triple coil?

    1, electric field coupling wireless charging, does not use the coil for electromagnetic induction, but directly through the charging base and the electrical device to be charged between the formationThe high-frequency electric field in the capacitor, that is, the induction electric field generated by coupling two sets of asymmetric dipoles in the vertical direction to transmit power, this charging method has the advantages of low cost and low alignment requirements. But there are not many actual products.

    2, the transmitting end is often multiple strands of silk-covered wire, multiple strands of thinner enameled wire or gauze wrapped wire wound inductors are used in relatively high frequency circuits, such as the magnetic antenna rod coil of the radio, the short-wave radio coil, the high frequency transformer coil of the liquid crystal display lighting circuit, etc., often use multiple strands of wire and wound.

    3, at the sending and receiving end, wireless chargingEach has a coil. There is an electromagnetic signal sent out in the sending single coil, and the receiving single coil can receive the electromagnetic signal sent out, and then the electromagnetic signal is converted into current, and the current enters the mobile phone, so as to achieve the effect of wireless charging. In simple terms, the wireless charger is actually a charging mode that relies on the energy of electromagnetic waves to convert electromagnetic waves into electricity.

    4, the charging speed is relatively slow. In the era of fast mobile phone charging, wireless charging is very slow. Now most of the wireless charging only support 5W charging, a little faster is only 5W. And wireless charging really can not meet our needs.

    5, it is the first generation of mobile phone wireless charging, the technology is mature, but only single to single short-range charging (qi standard, within 1cm, within 5 watts), and can not be similar to WiFi single-to-multiple charging. There is a strong electromagnetic field energy in the wireless charging area, and some coils are added here to induce voltage. The induced voltage can be converted into the energy received by the cell phone battery. Now, the wireless chargers on the market, it is the use of electromagnetic induction technology.

    6. The appropriate temperature for use is 0-45 ° C. Stay away from children to avoid lightning strikes. After charging, pull out the plug in timeTherefore, for safety considerations, we must buy regular brands, buy genuine products, and inferior products are prone to security risks. Car charger is also divided into direct charge and seat charge two kinds.

    Which wireless charger transmitter coil is good?

    1, I recommend Shenzhen Jinhaode Inductance Company, their company specializes in mobile phone wireless charging coils, receiving coils, transmitting coils are done, and is free to do samples, customized various models, inductive wireless charging coils, but also has ISO quality certification, in line with the QI standard.All mechanical automatic production, fast delivery. I hope this helps. Please hit "Like". thank you.

    2. Mountain Stead, New Jersey, November 12, 2015 / PRNewswire /-A. K. Stamping Company, Inc. Today announced the introduction of advanced technology to bring one of the world's more efficient wireless charging coils. Using advanced manufacturing techniques, AKS coils have the highest metal density of any similar charging coil. Today, handheld device manufacturers face many challenges when integrating wireless charging into their devices.

    3, Zikko Apple Wireless charger Compared to the common wireless chargers in the market, it has the advantages of high 10W fast charging, multi-coil no need to align the fixed position, and all-round charging. Equipped with high 10W dual coil wireless transmission power, compared to the common single coil, it does not need to be aligned to a fixed position when charging. It has three modes of horizontal and vertical placement, no matter it is horizontal, horizontal and vertical placement, it can truly achieve all-round charging.

    4, Belkin this model in addition to white, in fact, there are other colors, but the domestic temporarily only black and white two, if you need a special charge for Apple, safe wireless chargeBetter, recommend '> Looking for mobile phone wireless charging coil suppliers, better in Shenzhen, recommend

    I recommend Shenzhen Jinhaode Inductance Company, their company specializes in mobile phone wireless charging coils, receiving coils, transmitting coils are done, and is free to do samples, customized various models, inductive value of wireless charging coils, but also has ISO quality certification, in line with the QI standard. All mechanical automatic production, fast delivery. I hope this helps. Please hit "Like". thank you.

    Huizhou Shuobede Wireless Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as Shuobede Technology) is the leaderThe mobile communication terminal antenna enterprise and first-class intelligent terminal parts component supplier. Founded in February 2004, it was listed on the GEM of Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2012 (stock code: 300322).

    Xinwang Da: Xinwang Da is the main supplier of Xiaomi mobile phone batteries, providing high-performance battery solutions for Xiaomi mobile phones; Xinwangda has leading technology and production capacity in the battery field, providing reliable energy security for Xiaomi mobile phones.

    As a top component supplier to industry leaders, including Fortune 100 companies, AKS is joining by joiningThe growing membership of the Source Alliance (Qi) and AirFuel (formerly known as A4WP Rezence/PMA) has played an active role in wireless charging infrastructure. The receiving coil and its unique technology reflect AKS 'long-standing innovation in delivering precision parts.

    Wireless charger charging speed is slow, there are the following possibilities: 1, wireless charger wireless charging power itself is not large. 2, the wireless charging receiver of the mobile phone, the charging current supported is not large. It is recommended to change a high-power wireless charging board, such as a certain meter, which has more than ten coils, although it is not opened at the same time,It will work well.

    Receiving coil FPC enameled wire cargo sandbag wire 3 kinds, the latter two are standard parts have a professional supplier to provide supporting ferrite sleeve supply to wireless charging manufacturers for assembly.

    Wireless charging coil type? Features?

    Enamelled wire is good. Due to the skin effect of the high-frequency signal in the wire, which means that the high-frequency current in the wire will converge to the surface of the wire, the wireless charging coil generally uses a multi-strand enamelled wire to reduce the impedance.

    Electric field coupled wireless charging, no coil usedElectromagnetic induction, but directly through the capacitor formed between the charging base and the electrical appliances to be charged in the high-frequency electric field, that is, the use of the induction electric field generated by coupling two sets of asymmetric dipoles in the vertical direction to transmit power, this charging method has the advantages of low cost and low alignment requirements. But there are not many actual products.

    Electromagnetic induction wireless charging, when the current of the power supply through the coil (wireless charger's power supply coil) will generate a magnetic field, other unenergized coil (mobile phone side of the electric coil) close to the magnetic field will generate current, charging the mobile phone. Advantages of wireless charging Safety: no power contact design, canTo avoid the risk of electric shock.

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