This article gives you a talk about the Apple warranty period wireless charging is broken, and Apple wireless charging warranty for how long the corresponding knowledge, I hope to...

Apple warranty wireless charging is broken (Apple wireless charging warranty for how long)

This article gives you a talk about the Apple warranty period wireless charging is broken, and Apple wireless charging warranty for how long the corresponding knowledge, I hope to help you, do not forget to collect the site oh. < / p > < h2 > the article directory list: < / h2 > < ul > < li style = 'margin - bottom: 3 px; list-style: none'>1. iPhone wireless charging moduleWhat if the block is broken?
  • 2, Apple 8p wireless charging is broken
  • 3, How to fix the wireless charging cable on the back cover of Apple xsm?
  • What if the wireless charging module of the iPhone is broken?

    1, does the question want to ask "iphone12promax wireless charging module damage can be returned to the factory repair?" No. The iphone12promax is a mobile phone owned by Apple Inc., according to the company's policiesFixed, the mobile phone wireless charging module damage can not be returned to the factory for repair, can only go to the repair shop repair or replacement. Apple Inc. is an American high-tech company founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Gerald Wayne on April 1, 1976.

    2, Apple mobile phone wireless charging module is broken, can only go to Apple designated after-sales service point to consult, repair or purchase.

    3, repair or replace the Wi-Fi module: If you have experience in repairing mobile phones, you can try to repair or replace the Wi-Fi module. Note, however, that this may need to be professionalTechnology and may void the phone's warranty. It is recommended that you try the above methods first, if the problem still persists, you may need to consult the mobile phone manufacturer or professional maintenance technicians to solve the problem of mobile phone Wi-Fi module damage.

    4, first use the original charger, the original charging line to charge, if it can not be charged, the battery is also newly changed, it can be confirmed that there is a problem with the charging module.

    5, mobile phone software problems, mobile phone WIFI module is broken, is the hardware problem, repair methods and steps: shut down, connect the charger after the phone automatically restart, click Settings checkSee whether the wifi repair is complete; If you use ITunes to restore the firmware, if you connect your mobile phone to your computer to itunes, back up the data, right-click "Device" on the left side of the iTunes interface, and choose "Transfer purchased Product" to restore the firmware.

    6, first of all, you need to shut down the iphonex phone completely, prepare the screwdriver, and remove the bottom two screws of the screen. Secondly, you need to remove the screen with a card and remove the metal sheet screws of the old wireless charging module. Finally, remove the old wireless charging module and replace it with a new wireless charging module.

    2, can break the wireless charging interface, or the radio charging line is broken. Try another wire. If it doesn't work, we'll fix it.

    3, there are two reasons: First, the charging amount of wireless charging is limited, not like wired chargingThe charge is sufficient, so it cannot be fully charged; Second, the Apple 8p battery has a problem, can not be fully charged, change a battery to solve.

    4, mobile phone charging due to the lithium ion movement in the battery to generate heat, if the heat is too large, resulting in the temperature of the phone body is too high. Both too high and too low body temperatures will cause changes in the screen electric field. Solution: Reduce the temperature when the mobile phone is charging, it is best to remove the mobile phone cover when the mobile phone is charging or the mobile phone is charged on the object with good thermal conductivity, such as the tile floor.

    How to fix the wireless charging cable on the back cover of Apple xsm?

    1, restart the iPhone wireless charging if the iPhone wireless charging suddenly does not charge, it may be because sometimes unpredictable errors occur in the update of the iOS system, which will cause problems with the wireless charging function, usually as long as the restart can be solved. Remove the iPhone case Sometimes the iPhone case is too thick will also lead to wireless charging, then you can try to remove the iPhone case, and then put back on the wireless charging board to charge.

    2. UsuallyiPhone wireless charging will suddenly have problems, it is recommended to restart the iPhone device first, mainly because sometimes unpredictable errors in the update of the iOS system will cause problems with the wireless charging function, usually just restart can be solved.

    3, the charger is not original: try to replace a charging cable and charging head. Internal welding of mobile phone charging port: Go to the mobile phone repair point for repair. Charging port has debris: With toothpicks, needles and other items, clean up mobile phone charging port debris. Charger failure: Replace a charging cable and charging head. The charging port on the mobile phone motherboard is burntBad: Go to the mobile phone repair point for repair.

    Apple warranty period wireless charge is broken introduction to talk about it here, thank you for taking the time to read the content of the site, more about Apple wireless charging warranty, Apple warranty period wireless charge is broken information don't forget to find oh in the site.