Today to share the knowledge of Shantou wireless charging solution manufacturers, which will also explain the wireless charging equipment manufacturers, if you happen to solve the...

Shantou Wireless charging solution customization manufacturers (wireless charging equipment manufacturers)

Today to share the knowledge of Shantou wireless charging solution manufacturers, which will also explain the wireless charging equipment manufacturers, if you happen to solve the problem you are now facing, don't forget to pay attention to the site, now start!

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  • 1, What is the composition and simple working process of the digital broadcasting and television system?
  • 2, Are Zhouyi Eight diagrams and Feng shui superstitions?
  • 3, How far do you want to put chicken poop?
  • 4. The difference between OEM and ODM?
  • What is the composition and simple working process of the digital broadcasting and television system?

    1, digital broadcast television system: digital television refers to the program production, editing, transmission, transmission, storage, reception and display all use digital processing of the new television system. It can also be said that digital TV is a TV system that realizes digitalization and digital processing in the three aspects of information source, channel and home.

    2, signal transmission and distribution system: The system adopts coaxial cable transmission mode to transmit audio carrier signal,FSK addressing coding control signal, can be transmitted with closed-circuit TV signal, TV, radio, addressing control signal "one-line". For schools with existing cable TV (closed-circuit dual control) systems, it is only necessary to install equipment directly on the basis of the original cable TV closed-circuit dual control, without rewiring.

    3, the composition of the satellite TV broadcasting system: the system is composed of three parts: uplink transmitting station, broadcast satellite and satellite TV receiving network. The TV program is transmitted by the TV station through the satellite ground transmitting station, using the directional antenna to send the TV signal to the satellite in space (uplink frequency is f1), and the satellite transponder receives itThe TV signal from the ground, after a series of processing such as amplification and transformation, and then use the downlink frequency f2 to forward the TV signal to the ground service area.

    Are Zhouyi Eight diagrams and Feng shui superstitions?

    No superstition. These have survived for so many years, and many celebrities such as King Wen of Zhou and Confucius have studied these for many years, which has its existence value. Just because these are very esoteric, there are fewer people who have studied them at present, and many people say that they are superstitious.

    Zhouyi Bagua and feng Shui are not superstitions,It belongs to metaphysics. Zhouyi Bagua source said: it is said to be the Yin and Yang theory of the ancient Han nationality, the so-called "Tai Chi produces two Yi (that is, Yin and Yang), two Yi produces four images (that is, Shaoyang, sun, Shaoyin, Taiyin), four images play eight eight sixty-four trigrams," which is Fuxi eight eight, also called congenital eight eight.

    Zhouyi and eight diagrams belong to philosophy, feng shui belongs to superstition. Now some liars are using the name of Zhouyi gossip to practice superstition.

    In the Tang Dynasty, feng shui even became the content of the royal family, and the folk use was forbidden. During this period, folk feng shui knowledge existed in the form of private circulation. In general, the ZhouyiThe eight trigrams and feng shui are not superstitions, but a system of knowledge deeply rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy, culture and science. They combine Yin and Yang, the universe, the geographical environment and time to form a complex theoretical system.

    How far do you want to put chicken poop?

    Chicken manure needs to be fermented before it can be used, if the field seeds can be fermented ~ directly and evenly scattered in the ground.

    How long do you want to put chicken poop in melons? Chicken poop manure needs to be fermented before it can be used, if the field melons can be fermented~ Spread directly and evenly in the ground.

    Therefore, the base fertilizer must be sufficient, the cooked pig excrement, chicken excrement, cow excrement, etc., generally every 667 square meters 500-1000 kg, plus 30 ~ 40 kg of wheat bran or mixed Hefei, can be in the middle of the good plot to open a deep 30 cm ditch will be decomposed organic fertilizer buried people, and then covered with soil, in addition, must be topdressing.

    Go directly to the field, according to the spacing of 1 square meter about 1 seedling, bury the watermelon seeds in the ground at the appropriate depth, and then cover it with a plastic film to keep warm against the outside cold. Once the seeds sprout and reveal their tender taste,'> The difference between OEM and ODM?

    The main differences are summarized as follows: OEM (Original Equipment Manufacture) (original equipment manufacturer), pure production, no technology. ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) The original design manufacturer has the technology, but still helps others to label the production. OBM (Orignal Brand Manufactuce, original brand manufacturer), has technology, its own production, its own labeling.

    The difference between oem and odm is as follows: Different ways of cooperation OEM cooperation is that the brand manufacturer is responsible for the design and development of new products by using the key core technology they have mastered, and the sales channel is controlled, and the commissioned manufacturer only produces according to the technical data and requirements of the brand. The ODM cooperation mode provides all services from research and development, design to production and post-maintenance for the purchaser to entrust the manufacturer.

    Emphasis Different Oems emphasize production and processing, that is, other enterprises entrust OEM to process products. ODM emphasizes design, that is, other business commissionsODM carries out product design and production. In OEM cooperation, brand producers are responsible for the design and development of new products, control of sales channels, and manufacturers only produce according to the requirements of the brand.

    odm: ODM depends on whether the brand enterprise has bought out the copyright of the product. If not, the manufacturer has the right to organize the production itself, as long as there is no design identification of the enterprise company. Intellectual property is different oem: If the client enjoys the intellectual property rights of the product, it is OEM, which is commonly known as "foundry". odm: If it is the overall design carried out by the producer,That is ODM, commonly known as "labeling."

    About Shantou wireless charging program manufacturers and wireless charging equipment manufacturers, this is the end of the introduction, do not know you find the information you need? If you want to know more about this, remember to follow this site. < / p >