This article gives you a talk about Shenzhen Baoan wireless charger manufacturers, as well as Shenzhen car wireless charger manufacturers corresponding knowledge points, I hope to...

Shenzhen Baoan wireless charger manufacturers (Shenzhen car wireless charger manufacturers)

This article gives you a talk about Shenzhen Baoan wireless charger manufacturers, as well as Shenzhen car wireless charger manufacturers corresponding knowledge points, I hope to help you, don't forget to collect this site oh. < / p > < h2 > the article directory list: < / h2 > < ul > < li style = 'margin - bottom: 3 px; list-style: none'>1, Shenzhen Murphy Wireless charging Technology Co., LTD. How many phone?
  • 2, How about Shenzhen Furilai Electronics Co., LTD.?
  • 3, How about Shenzhen Taiyi Technology Co., LTD.?
  • 4, Shenzhen Hongmi Technology Co. LTDHow's the company?
  • 5, How about Shenzhen Hengke Huanyu Technology Co., LTD.?
  • 6. How about Shenzhen Ruiyi Electronics Co., LTD.?
  • Shenzhen Murphy Wireless charging Technology Co., LTD. How many phone?

    1, Shenzhen Murphy Wireless charging Technology Co., LTD. Contact information: company telephone 0755-28276248, company email oylh@mofhie.co2, Henan Furui Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. unified social credit code/registration number is 91410181MA3XDN0M6E, enterprise legal person Wang Jian, the enterprise is currently in the state of opening.

    3. The business scope of Beijing Forite Technology Development Co., Ltd. is: technology development, technology promotion, technology transfer, technical consulting, technical services; Sales of computers, software and auxiliary equipment, electronic products, communication equipment, mechanical equipment, safety and technical protection products; Computer system services; Machinery rental (excluding car rental).

    How about Shenzhen Taiyi Technology Co., LTD.?

    1. Shenzhen Taiyi Technology Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company registered on 2018-03-01. The registered address is located on the 4th floor, Building 5, Baotian Industrial Zone, Chentian Community, Xixiang Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen. The unified social credit code/registration number of Shenzhen Taiyi Technology Co., Ltd. is 91440300MA5F0PD194, the enterprise legal person Zhang Hua, the enterprise is currently in the state of opening.

    2. Ok. The salary is good. The option is 5,000 yuan per month, and the working time is 8 am from Monday to Friday6 p.m., flex time. The benefits are good. Employees with 12 months of service enjoy paid annual leave, as well as holiday gift, marriage gift, birth gift, five insurance and one fund and other benefits.

    3, good. Good accommodation environment, Shenzhen Yongtai number energy Technology Co., Ltd. superior accommodation environment, equipped with air conditioning, washing machine, 10 minutes walk from the factory. Water and electricity are shared equally, and the enterprise provides free working meals. Good welfare, employee salary is more than 6500 yuan, to provide employees with a variety of bonus benefits, including year-end bonus, performance bonus, holiday benefits, five insurance and one fund.

    4City Rui Tai new technology Co., Ltd. regular. According to the query of public information, Shenzhen Ruitai New Technology Co., Ltd. is a formal legally registered company, with a business license, as of November 21, 2022 in normal business, in accordance with the business license formal operation, no illegal crimes. Shenzhen Ruitai New Technology Co., Ltd. address is Fuhai Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen City, Futian Community, Furui Road, Building A, second floor D.

    5, Shenzhen has a wealth of high-quality talent resources, including technical professionals, innovative talents and management talents. Due to its proximity to Hong Kong and Macau, Shenzhen can also attract people from the mainlandForeign talents have formed a diversified and high-level talent gathering area. Shenzhen has a sound industrial chain and innovation and entrepreneurship support system, with numerous incubators, science and technology parks and entrepreneurship service institutions.

    How about Shenzhen Hongmi Technology Co., LTD?

    Shenzhen Hongmi Technology Co., Ltd. business scope is: electronic products, digital products, mobile power, mobile phone accessories, wireless charging technology development and sales; Operation of electronic commerce (involving pre-emptive administrative license, must obtain pre-emptive administrative license documents beforeBusiness); Domestic trade; Import and export of goods and technology.

    OK. According to the query of BOOS recruitment, Shenzhen Hongdian Technology Co., Ltd. salary of 10,000 yuan per month, there are five insurance and one gold. According to the official website of Shenzhen Hongdian Technology Co., LTD., Shenzhen Hongdian Technology Co., Ltd. is a state-level specialized special new small giant enterprise, rooted in Longgang development for 10 years, continuous product and core technology innovation, has grown into one of the global Internet of Things industry application leaders.

    The company has been awarded the "National science and technology type small and medium-sized enterprises", "National high-techEnterprise "and other qualifications and honors. In terms of intellectual property, Shenzhen Chenmi Technology Co., Ltd. has 3 registered trademarks, 10 software Copyrights, and 9 patent information. In addition, Shenzhen Chenmi Technology Co., Ltd. also directly controls 1 enterprise.

    Shenzhen Nanlian Millet Technology Co., Ltd. is very good. Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. is an innovative and dynamic enterprise founded in 2010. The company is committed to developing high-quality and affordable smart hardware products and has become one of the most popular smartphone brands in China. Xiaomi's product line covers smartMobile phones, smart TVS, smart home devices and other fields.

    How about Shenzhen Hengke Huanyu Technology Co., LTD.?

    1. Shenzhen Hengke Huanyu Technology Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (wholly-owned by natural person) registered on 2013-07-29. The registered address is located on the left of B3 building, 3rd floor, Fuyuan Industrial Zone, Tangwei Community, Fuyong Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen. The unified social credit code/registration number of Shenzhen Hengke Huanyu Technology Co., Ltd. is 91440300075150169W, Enterprise LawPeople Chen Bolin, the enterprise is currently in a state of opening. 2, as a company that has worked to give a fair evaluation, it is a state-owned enterprise, but do more wages and finally get hands on not much, the treatment has five insurance and one gold but most of them are Zhengzhou minimum wage standard, do not quit for long, no rush, only enough to feed themselves, state-owned enterprises are not afraid to recruit people, but can not keep people. I personally feel that ambitious people have no future in Hengke.

    3, Company name: Shenzhen Huanyu Network Communication Technology Co., LTD. Location: Shenzhen Business scope: Communication technology Company Type: Co., LTD. Shenzhen Huanyu NetworkInformation Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise that provides VoIP voip voice, data, multimedia and other integrated access and value-added service solutions.

    4, not big. According to the query of the official microblog information of Guoke Huanyu Technology Co., LTD., the workload of Guoke Huanyu Technology Co., LTD., there are not too many tasks to be completed, the work intensity is moderate, will not be too tired, complete their own work every day, will not be forced to add other work, there is not too much pressure.

    Shenzhen Ruiyi Electronics Co., LTDHow's that?

    Shenzhen Ruiyi Electronics Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company registered in Guangdong Province on 2014-03-10, the registered address is located in Shenzhen City, Xixiang street, Gushu community, Xinxing Tai Factory No. 4 301. Shenzhen Ruiyi Electronics Co., Ltd. unified social credit code/registration number is 91440300088592011M, enterprise legal person Chen Ruicong, the enterprise is currently in the state of opening.

    Not bad. According to the query of Shenzhen Jingkerui electronic recruitment information that the salary is 6100 to 7700, weekends and weekends, holidays, holiday blessingsProfit, paid leave, there are car meals, Shenzhen Jingkerui Precision Products Co., Ltd. is a PCBA motherboard research and development, sales; Purchase and sale of electronic parts and accessories, domestic trade; Engaged in import and export business.

    Shenzhen Ruihui Electronic Materials Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (wholly-owned by natural person) registered in Guangming District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, 2017-04-19, the registered address is located in Guangming New District, Guangming Street, Zhangwu Community, Xinlun Science and Technology Industrial Park 2 floor 4. The unified social credit code/registration number of Shenzhen Ruihui Electronic Materials Co., Ltd. is 91440300MA5EG6E52N, corporate legal person Liu Chunlu, the enterprise is currently in the state of opening.

    About Shenzhen Baoan wireless charger manufacturers and Shenzhen car wireless charger manufacturers this is the end of the introduction, do not know you find the information you need? If you want to know more about this, remember to follow this site. < / p >