Today to share with you the mobile phone wireless charging is a chicken ribs function knowledge, which will also explain the mobile phone wireless charging function is good, if yo...

Mobile phone wireless charging is a chicken rib function (mobile phone wireless charging function is good)

Today to share with you the mobile phone wireless charging is a chicken ribs function knowledge, which will also explain the mobile phone wireless charging function is good, if you happen to solve the problem you are now facing, don't forget to pay attention to the site, now start!

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  • 1, Why isn't wireless charging popular? What are the pros and cons of unlimited charging?
  • 2, Do you think wireless is a chicken rib?
  • 3. Why is wireless charging optional?
  • 4, Is the wireless charging function of mobile phone a chicken chicken?
  • Why isn't wireless charging popular? What are the pros and cons of unlimited charging?

    The disadvantage of wireless charging is that the efficiency of most wireless charging is relatively low. Because relying on electromagnetic induction to charge, often the speed is relatively slow, and sometimes it is necessary to quickly fill the phone, then it is obvious that wireless charging is not as good as straightUse the mobile phone for data line fast charging.

    Mobile phone wireless charging Because there is no need to plug and unplug the charging cable frequently, the data interface wear of the mobile phone will be reduced a lot. At the same time, the coil of wireless charging of the mobile phone is not exposed to the air, which can also reduce the oxidative corrosion of the charging unit. The wired charging is often inserted and removed easily lead to wear, and the interface is exposed, which is easy to oxidation corrosion. Although wireless charging has many advantages, it is also found that there are many disadvantages in the actual use process.

    Disadvantages of wireless charging: can not play while charging: the current wireless charger is basically the bottom of the wireless chargerSeat, there is no fixed position design, the mobile phone is difficult to meet the needs of charging while playing. Although there are also vertical wireless chargers that can solve this problem, it will still affect normal use.

    The second is that the portability and versatility are worse than wired charging. Wired charging can simply take a charger, or even not take it, borrow a colleague or sweep a charging bank to meet the needs. The wireless charger is generally disc-shaped, the volume is slightly larger than the wired charging head, and the charging speed is slow, so it is not as good as the wired charging in this respect. Third, with the popularity of wireless charging by major mobile phone manufacturers, people's initial sense of freshness has disappeared.

    Do you think wireless is a chicken rib?

    1, wireless charging is actually not chicken ribs, but a very useful charger. For people at work, they do not have time to repeatedly plug in the charger, only occasionally check whether there is a text message or phone call. With wireless charging, you can better protect the interface of the phone, and you can also have power anytime and anywhere. They will not worry about what to do when they go out without electricity, just put it on the charging site.

    2, wireless charging noIt's chicken ribs. All functions are basically the same. It only works if it's used in the right place, and vice versa. According to current wireless charging technology, it can be used for driving and working. Most trips now basically require navigation. If the phone says no battery at high speed, it's really bad. If there is no help from others in the car, plugging and unplugging the charger at this time will have a certain impact on driving safety.

    3, so which configuration on the car is the most chicken ribs? First electric launched a survey for car users on the "most chicken ribs configuration on the car". Survey results show that wireless charging is the car friendsFeel the most chicken ribs configuration, followed by the interior atmosphere lights, FM radio and other configurations. The charging power is low, the efficiency is slow, and the mobile phone is hot. The first electric car friends tease the wireless charging configuration most.

    Why is wireless charging optional?

    1, there is now wireless charging function is not much high-tech. This idea is very good, but the current technology may not reach our expectations, that is, unlimited charging, the actualThe need for data cable, but not connected to the phone, but connected to the charger, in fact, still can not get rid of wired charging, so the unlimited charging function of the phone is now not technical support, the actual use will not feel good.

    2, wireless charging has the advantage that you can abandon the complicated data line, so that the desktop becomes more clean and tidy. In other words, wireless charging needs to be used in specific scenarios and fixed locations. For example, on the company desk, on the bedside table in the home bedroom, etc., and the wireless charger can also act as an ornament, perhaps many of the small partners in use are the same as I thinkI think so. Of course, it may not be used as much for friends who need to go out often.

    3, because the current technology he is not mature, in life is not common, so it is still wired, more convenient, but he was created, indicating that it is a kind of progress, but also can have.

    4, some Samsung mobile phones support wireless charging function, to achieve the function requires a separate charging kit, wireless charging and wired charging effect is the same, but the wireless charging time is relatively longer, no impact on the phone.

    5, because of wireless charging technology and costI didn't say that before. And when I took it to the office, I smacked it in the face and said it smelled good.

    In short, although the current wireless function is very weak in the eyes of many people, but I personally still have some expectations for this function.

    Mobile phone wireless charging is not popular, mainly because the wireless charging experience is very rubbish. Of course, the high price is also a very important factor. In terms of experience, mobile phone wireless charging has shortcomings. Compared with wired charging, wireless charging of mobile phones is not only slow, but also very inconvenient to use wireless charging. Slow charging speed: Since Samsung NAfter the explosion of ote 7, the wireless charging power of mobile phones has been castrated by manufacturers.

    First conclusion: Wireless charging of mobile phones is not practical, but it is not an IQ tax. Now the biggest "pain point" of smart phones is battery life, because the lithium-ion polymer battery technology has not actually broken through for more than ten years, and the new battery technology is far away, so mobile phone manufacturers can only make an article on the charging method. One is fast charging, and the other is wireless charging.

    Although a small number of newly launched smart phones have wireless charging capabilities, the majority of current mobile phones still do not support wireless charging, orUsers need to add wireless charging receiver to experience the fun of wireless charging. This situation can not be changed in a short time, and the popularization of wireless charging still needs some time to transition. For users, the mobile phone wireless charging function is slightly chicken ribs, wireless charging is more like a icing on the cake function.

    Disadvantages: The charging speed is relatively slow. In the era of fast mobile phone charging, wireless charging is very slow. Now most of the wireless charging only support 5W charging, a little faster is only 5W. And wireless charging really can not meet our needs.

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