This article gives you a talk about why to use wireless charging as little as possible, and why you can not wireless charging the corresponding knowledge points, I hope to help you...

Why use wireless charging as little as possible (why not wireless charging)

This article gives you a talk about why to use wireless charging as little as possible, and why you can not wireless charging the corresponding knowledge points, I hope to help you, do not forget to collect the site oh. < / p > < h2 > the article directory list: < / h2 > < ul > < li style = 'margin - bottom: 3 px; list-style: none'>1, Why isn't wireless charging popular?
  • 2, is regarded as high-tech wireless charging, why now become a "chicken rib", rarely used
  • 3, Wired charge VS Wireless charge VS power bank, which way is the most harmful to the battery life of the phone?
  • 4. Wireless charging and line charging which damage battery
  • 5, Does wireless charging technology radiate the human body? Does it cause cancer?
  • Why isn't wireless charging popular?

    Mobile phone wireless charging is not popular, mainly because the wireless charging experience is very rubbish. Of course, the high price is also a very important factor. In terms of experience, mobile phone wireless charging has shortcomings. Compared with wired charging, wireless charging of mobile phones is not only slow, but also very inconvenient to use wireless charging. Slow charging speed: Since the Samsung Note 7 explosion, mobile phone wireless charging power has been castrated by manufacturers.

    WirelessCharging The charging speed is extremely slow, which is hard. Now is the world of high-power fast charging, although each fast charging solution is not the same, but the power is maintained at about 18w, high and even to 24w, accustomed to an hour and a half full, but now to return to the past, 5w 8w maximum 10w charging speed, is not acceptable, but also can not move, the position is off, the speed is lower.

    The cost is too high to choose to buy a mobile phone, charging cable and charging head is the standard configuration, and wireless charging panel if good to spend on yuan, if cheap to spend hundreds of yuan. passThe high price makes people feel that the cost performance is not good. People are relatively unfamiliar with wireless charging, which inevitably leads to some offensive psychology.

    Wireless charging support for the factory flagship machine, the price is too expensive, which should be a very important factor. Looking at all the models that support wireless charging on the market at present, most of them belong to the flagship positioning and are expensive, such as Samsung Galaxy series, Apple iPhone X, iPhone8 series, the price of these products is often five or six thousand yuan, or even higher, which is destined to have a relatively small audience.

    and nowMost of the mobile phones on the market are metal back covers, and wireless charging requires glass or ceramic back covers, which cannot meet the needs of most people in a wide range.

    is regarded as a high-tech wireless charging, why now become a "chicken rib", rarely used

    1, because of the technology and cost of wireless charging, generally low-end models do not support wireless charging, only those high-end flagships have wireless charging function. That means only high-end flagships are available to customers who can afford themThe opportunity to use wireless charging, the target group is limited, and is still a relatively small part of the market, can not be popularized.

    2, wireless charging why chicken rib? Most people who thought of this feature were people who needed to use their phones for a long time. At present, wireless charging cannot be charged every air interval, so if you need to charge, you must put down the phone and cannot use it. Although many wireless charging banks are now used together with mobile phones, it will undoubtedly affect the experience of using mobile phones. In addition, some wireless charging users reflect that the use of wireless charging is easy to cause mobile phones to heat up, affecting the battery life.

    3, because many people thinkThis function is more chicken ribs. Now unlimited charging is more troublesome than charging with a data cable. Although wireless charging sounds very tall, but the actual operation is not convenient, many unlimited chargers themselves are very heavy, the volume is also large, it is not convenient to carry. I reviewed an unlimited charger at work and never wanted to buy one again because it didn't feel good at all.

    Wired charge VS Wireless charge VS charging bank, which way to mobile phone battery lifeThe most harmful?

    1, the first wired charging, this charging method with the development of science and technology to extend the flash charge, fast charge, the result is to help users quickly full mobile phone battery.

    2, wireless charging than wired charging more damage to the battery. As long as it is charged, it will cause damage to the battery, but wireless charging and wired charging are compared, wireless charging will cause more damage to the battery, because wireless charging will generate more heat, and the heat generated will cause more damage to the battery. Whether the line charge charges the battery is controlled by the internal circuit of the phone, while the phoneThe initial voltage for the normal operation of the internal control circuit is provided by the battery.

    3, wireless charging damage battery: wireless charging in addition to the charge can not be directly supplied to the hardware, other aspects have no impact. You said that the injured battery is wireless charging while playing will be far more than the wired battery, because the wired power supply does not use the battery, and the wireless is charging while discharging. Long-term use of radio charging will not affect the phone battery.

    4, in fact, we all know that as long as it is charging will cause damage to the battery, but wireless charging and wired charging comparison, wireless charging damage to the batteryMore harmful, because wireless charging will generate more heat, the heat generated on the battery damage is relatively large. Whether the line charge charges the battery is controlled by the internal circuit of the mobile phone, and the initial voltage for the normal operation of the internal control circuit of the mobile phone is provided by the battery.

    Wireless charging and line charging which damage battery

    Wireless charging hurts the battery more than wired charging. As long as it is charged, it will cause damage to the battery, but wireless charging and wired charging are compared, wireless charging is more damaging to the battery, because wireless chargingWhen electricity is generated, more heat is generated, and the damage to the battery is relatively large. Whether the line charge charges the battery is controlled by the internal circuit of the mobile phone, and the initial voltage for the normal operation of the internal control circuit of the mobile phone is provided by the battery.

    Although wireless charging generates more heat, if appropriate heat dissipation measures are taken, wireless charging is not necessarily more damaging to the battery. While wired charging generates less heat, it may also cause damage to the battery if the charging current is unstable or if a non-original charger is used. The initial voltage for the normal operation of the phone's internal control circuit is provided by the batteryBut if the battery is completely exhausted, even if the charger is inserted, the phone can not be turned on.

    Wireless charging hurts the battery more than wired charging. In fact, we all know that as long as it is charged, it will cause damage to the battery, but wireless charging and wired charging are compared, wireless charging will cause more damage to the battery, because wireless charging will generate more heat, and the heat generated will cause more damage to the battery.

    The loss of the battery is the same. First of all, wireless charging and wired charging have the same loss of battery. Because it doesn't matter whether it's wired or wireless chargingBoth must go through the last step to regulate the voltage of the electricity sent over, but the path of the two is different. Wireless charging damage battery: Wireless charging in addition to the charge can not be directly supplied to the hardware, other aspects have no impact.

    See the introduction of wireless charging to understand its working principle. It is generally believed that fast charging because of large current and high heat, so the loss caused by relatively slow charging to the battery will be larger, there is a comparative analysis on the Internet, the actual impact is quite small. Bad will not be bad, that is, two together have a little impact on battery life, if you can try to use line charging, wireless is just more convenient, on maintenance, mobile phone moreUsers are exposed to more and more radiation sources in daily life, such as mobile phones, computers, WiFi, etc., and long-term accumulation may have an impact on health. Wireless Charging Technology and controversy With the development of mobile Internet, the rise of wireless charging function has led to a discussion on electromagnetic radiation.

    2, for the human body: wireless charging technology is harmless to the human body. The resonance principle used by wireless charging is magnetic field resonance, which is transmitted only between coils resonating at the same frequency, and other devices cannot accept the band, in addition, the magnetic field used by wireless charging technology is itself harmless to the human body.

    This is the end of the introduction of why to use wireless charging as little as possible and why not wireless charging. Do you find the information you need from it? If you stillWant to know more about this, remember to pay attention to this site. < / p >