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Wireless charging principle picture HD large picture (wireless charging principle Baidu Encyclopedia)

Today to share the wireless charging principle picture high-definition big picture knowledge, which will also explain the wireless charging principle Baidu encyclopedia, if you happen to solve the problem you are now facing, don't forget to pay attention to the site, now start!

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  • 1, How wireless charger worksPrinciple
  • 2, Wireless charger schematic diagram
  • 3, Wireless charging principle explanation
  • How the wireless charger works

    The working principle of the wireless charger: The electromagnetic induction principle is used, and the energy coupling through the coil is realized. When the system works, the input end converts the AC mains into direct current through the full bridge rectifier circuit, or uses the 24V direct current end to supply power to the system directly. After passing through the power management module, the output direct current is converted into high-frequency alternating current through the 2M active crystal oscillator inverter to supply the primary winding.

    No strong radiation, no effect on the human body! The main principle is: the way of wireless charging is electromagnetic induction, magnetic resonance, electric field coupling and radio wave transmission, etc. Most of the wireless charging of mobile phones uses the principle of electromagnetic induction.

    Electromagnetic induction type primary coil A certain frequency of alternating current, through electromagnetic induction in the secondary coil to produce a certain current, thereby transferring energy from the transmission end to the receiving end.

    The principle of wireless charging is electromagnetic induction. Wireless charging mainly uses electromagnetic induction, and the energy is transmitted between the charger and the electrical device by magnetic field, and there is no wire connection between the twoTherefore, the charger and the electrical device can do no conductive contact exposed. With the continuous improvement of power supply quality and special geographical environment requirements of electrical equipment, the contact power transmission mode is increasingly unable to meet the actual needs.

    If your Huawei mobile phone supports wireless charging, place the mobile phone screen facing up in the center of the charger or the position recommended by the manufacturer after the wireless charger is powered on.

    The principle of electric field coupled wireless charging is to transmit electrical energy through the induced electric field generated by the coupling of two sets of asymmetric dipoles in the vertical direction. Suitable for short distance charging, turnHigh efficiency, the position can not be fixed; However, the disadvantage is that the equipment is large and the power is small. Therefore, at present, among the four wireless charging methods, electromagnetic induction wireless charging scheme is the most mature and most widely used in business.

    Wireless Charger schematic diagram

    The above is the schematic diagram, the principle used is the principle of electromagnetic induction.

    The so-called wireless charging technology only uses the electromagnetic wave induction principle and the related AC induction technology, and uses the corresponding coil at the sending and receiving end to send and receive the induced AC signalLine charging. Nothing high-tech, just magnetic fields! The charger has a coil, the battery has a coil, and when you put it close, it forms something like a transformer. But it's very inefficient, and it's very radioactive.

    The receiver coil is made of magnetic alloy wound around wire and is similar in size and shape to chewing gum, so it can be easily attached to electronic devices. You can charge your phone by placing it on the pad, and you can charge multiple devices at the same time. Wireless charger schematic charging technology has existed before, but this new invention is more convenient and practical.

    Wireless charging has an electromagnetic senseIn response, magnetic resonance, electric field coupling and radio wave transmission, wireless charging of mobile phones mostly uses the principle of electromagnetic induction. Electromagnetic induction wireless charging, when the current of the power supply through the coil (wireless charger's power supply coil) will generate a magnetic field, other unenergized coil (mobile phone side of the electric coil) close to the magnetic field will generate current, charging the mobile phone. As shown below.

    Wireless charging principle explanation

    The basic principle of wireless charging is to convert the current into a magnetic field, which is transmitted through the air and then converted into a current to be transmitted to the intelligentTerminal. When the system works, the input end converts the AC mains into direct current through the full bridge rectifier circuit, or uses the 24V direct current end to supply power to the system directly. After passing through the power management module, the output direct current is converted into high-frequency alternating current through the 2M active crystal oscillator inverter to supply the primary winding. In theory, wireless charging technology is safe and harmless to the human body, the resonance principle used by wireless charging is magnetic field resonance, which is only transmitted between coils resonating at the same frequency, and other devices cannot accept the band, in addition, the magnetic field used by wireless charging technology is itself harmless to the human body.

    Wireless charging main transportPrinciples of electromagnetic induction, magnetic resonance, radio wave, electric field coupling, etc. Wireless charging Because the charger and the electrical device transmit energy by magnetic field, the two are not connected by wires, so the charger and the electrical device can be no conductive contact exposed.

    The principle of wireless charging of mobile phones in a general sense is the process of converting electrical energy into a magnetic field, which is transmitted through the air, and then converted into electrical energy. The principle of wireless charging is somewhat similar to the understanding of the transformer in the popular sense, the transformer magnetic field coupling circuit is a magnetic conductor, the wireless charging magnetic field coupling circuit is air, and the magnetic medium is different.Wireless charging in the industry generally has four major technologies: magnetic induction technology, magnetic resonance technology, microwave technology and electric field coupling technology.

    Wireless charging system mainly adopts the principle of electromagnetic induction. Wireless charger refers to the charger that does not need to be connected to the terminal device that needs to be charged without the traditional charging power cord, using the latest wireless charging technology, through the use of the magnetic field generated between the coils, the magic transmission of electrical energy, inductive coupling technology will become a bridge connecting the charging base station and equipment.

    electromagnetic induction type. A certain frequency of alternating current in the primary coil generates a certain current in the secondary coil through electromagnetic inductionThis is the end of the introduction of Libaidu encyclopedia, do not know you find the information you need? If you want to know more about this, remember to follow this site. < / p >