无线充纹波要求ichailan 2024-06-07 7:05 107
Today to share the knowledge of wireless charging ripple requirements, which will also explain the wireless charging waveform, if you happen to solve the problem you are now facin...

Wireless charging ripple requirements (Wireless charging waveform)

Today to share the knowledge of wireless charging ripple requirements, which will also explain the wireless charging waveform, if you happen to solve the problem you are now facing, don't forget to pay attention to the site, now start!

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  • 1. ... Detection with a digital oscilloscope, what are the requirements for (5V1.5A, GPRS charger) ripple...
  • 2, FillIs the higher the power of electric treasure the better the charging function?
  • 3, Apple 5w Charger ripple
  • 4. Mi 67w charging head es ripple
  • 5, Charger ripple effect on your phone
  • ... Detection with a digital oscilloscope, what are the requirements for (5V1.5A, GPRS charger) ripple...

    High-speed, high-precision data acquisition system: has high requirements for accuracy and speed, and is sensitive to the ripple noise of the power supply. In addition to requiring the ripple noise of the power supply to be small, it is also necessary to choose some high-precision and common-mode rejection ratio of the op amp to cooperate, and the ripple noise of the power supply generally needs to be controlled within 10mV.

    Output voltage, can be directly used oscilloscopeThe DC gear of the device shows that. 2, the output current, related to the load, the general adapter will be marked out, there is no need to measure. If the load is not known, you can string a small resistance with enough power on the negative circuit of the power supply, and calculate the current value by measuring the voltage with the oscilloscope after the load. 3, Ripple measurement is the most meaningful.

    DC ripple components are more complex, similar to the sine oscilloscope will certainly measure the peak voltage, the effective voltage is divided by the square root of 2; Ripple coefficient is the ripple voltage divided by the DC voltage. The absolute value is generally the voltage of the pure fingerprint wave (general fingerprint waveValid value).

    This ripple does not refer to the difference between the actual output and the theoretical output. Refers to the AC component of the actual DC voltage output. (RMS or peak-to-peak) For example: 5V output may actually be 1V output, but 1V May contain 10mV AC components. It is possible to use liquid crystal as an oscilloscope display. It is not enough to use liquid crystal as an oscilloscope.

    To use a digital oscilloscope for power measurement, it is necessary to measure the voltage and current between the drain and source of the MOSFET switching device (as shown in Figure 2), or the voltage between the IGBT collector and the emission electrode. The task requires two different probes: a high-voltage differential probe and a current probe. The latter is usually a non-plug-in Hall-effect type probe.

    The higher the power of the charger, the better the charging function?

    Capacity is only secondary, the most important indicator of mobile power is ripple, the larger the ripple, the shorter the life of the device. Ripple voltage refers to the AC component in direct current, which can be understood as impurities in direct current. The ripple of the general mobile power supply is much larger than that of the mobile phone charger, which is difficult to control.

    Fifty watts good. The W number on the charging treasure is the meaning of power, the higher the wattage, the higher the power, the faster the charging, the larger the power of 50 watts, the charging is relatively fast. 30 watts 40 watts is not 50 wattsWatts are powerful. The 50-watt charging treasure has a large capacity and can meet more charging needs. The capacity of a 30-watt 40-watt power bank is not as large as the capacity of a 50-watt one.

    or fast charge, fast charge speed, and fast charging treasure quality is good, high efficiency, in comparison, higher efficiency than slow charging treasure, more convenient and quick to use.

    Apple 5w Charger ripple

    35 Hz. According to Apple's website, the Apple 5w charger has a ripple of 35 Hertz. The ripple is due to a DC stabilized power supplyA phenomenon caused by voltage fluctuations, the charger ripple belongs to a special Hertz identifier of the charger.

    35 Hz. Apple 5w charger ripple belongs to a special Hertz mark of the charger, is 35 Hertz, the overall use will be very convenient, use is very safe, without any risk.

    may damage the device. Charger ripple refers to the voltage fluctuation of the charger in normal operation, if the voltage fluctuation is too large, it will lead to the instability of the power provided by the charger, and the rapid change of voltage may damage the parts inside the phone.

    NothingImpact, don't listen to those people, as long as you don't use your phone while charging, if you're talking on your phone while charging, the ripple may cause some noise, that's all.

    Mi 67w charging head es ripple

    1, good. According to the query, the ripple is lower: under the 220V50Hz AC input, the ripple is the highest when the 15V0A no-load state, and the ripple value is 42mVpp. Good performance: Input voltage at 110V60Hz, 220V50HzAll output power ripple peaks are below the 200mVpp standard.

    2, the difference between millet 67w charger ef and es is that the output power is different. es version, the output has 4 levels, respectively, 5 volts 3 amps, 9 volts 3 amps, 11 volts 1 amps and 20 volts 25 amPs, Mi 67 charger es and ef output power is different, ef version output 5 volts 3 amps, 5 to 20 volts 2 to 25 amps.

    3, the front and back of the charger are printed with 67W charger power, Xiaomi Communication co., Ltd. andDesigned by Xiaomi and other words, translated is millet communication Co., LTD., millet design. As a mobile phone standard charger, this product also uses a fixed national standard pin, and detailed charging parameters can be seen on the pin side.

    4, the protocol, also supports the millet 35W fast charge protocol. The single port of the 67W dual-port charger supports up to 67W output, and the total power of the dual-port mode is up to 65W (2045). As for performance, according to the tests of digital bloggers, the millet 67W dual-port charger performs well in charging speed and can be used in a short timeFully charge the phone in the room. At the same time, the charger also has multiple safety protection measures, such as overvoltage protection, overcurrent protection, short circuit protection and so on.

    5, Millet 67w charger parameters are as follows: Product model: MDY-12-ES. Product color: White. Packing list: Charging head, data cable. Input parameters: 100-240V, 50/60Hz7A. Output specifications: 5V/3A, 9V/3A, 11V1A, MAX20V/25AMAX. Product size: 565×52×24mm (without pins).

    6, weTo damage hardware and data, affecting the user experience.

    2. The device may be damaged. Charger ripple refers to the voltage fluctuation of the charger in normal operation, if the voltage fluctuation is too large, it will lead to the instability of the power provided by the charger, and the rapid change of voltage may damage the parts inside the phone.

    3, mv ripple is harmful to mobile phones, through the query equipment network display. 200mv ripple is harmful to the mobile phone, 200mv ripple is easy to burn the charger on the mobile phone, and the filter capacitor can not play the role of energy storage filtering, which will cause the power output ripple is too large, affecting the systemThe system works normally, and the capacitor leakage or short circuit will cause the capacitor to explode or burn off the power supply.

    4. The output ripple may be slightly higher. At the same time, this type of power supply also mentions this phenomenon in its technical description, that is, the ripple output at low voltage is higher than the value of high voltage (%). Hope to adopt.

    5, no impact, don't listen to those people nonsense, as long as you don't use the phone when charging, if you use the phone while charging, the ripple may cause some noise, that's all.

    6, Ripple voltage will affect the systemThe work brings noise. Therefore, the power supply should have sufficient filtering measures to limit the ripple within a certain amplitude. 2. The power supply of the general computer is converted into the 5V 12V voltage required by the motherboard and hard disk through ~220, and the mainboard chip such as CPU power supply is through DC to DC, the voltage is relatively stable, so it can be used to charge. 3. The smaller the output ripple of the lithium battery, the more stable the work.

    This is the end of the introduction of wireless charging ripple requirements and wireless charging waveform, do not know you find the information you need? If you want to know moreThis information, remember to collect attention to this site. < / p >