Today to share the knowledge of the development process of wireless fast charging technology, which will also explain the development process diagram of wireless fast charging tec...

The development process of wireless fast charging technology (The development process chart of wireless fast charging technology)

Today to share the knowledge of the development process of wireless fast charging technology, which will also explain the development process diagram of wireless fast charging technology, if you happen to solve the problem you are now facing, don't forget to pay attention to this site, start now!

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  • 1, Wireless fast charge How to charge? How does it work? Why are mobile phones now charging wirelessly?
  • 2, What is wireless fast charge
  • 3, Mobile phone no power street lamp can wireless fast charge
  • 4, Does wireless fast charging really reduce cell phone battery life? The truth is here!
  • 5, Wireless charging for your phone, it's not as simple as you think
  • 6, Millet ten years of charging technology development: from 5W to 120W, millet's new flagship fast charging system will reach more than 200W...
  • Wireless fast charge How to charge? How does it work? Why are mobile phones now charging wirelessly?

    1, the first is electric field coupling charging. First, there are two sets of asymmetrical electric dipoles on the phone and charging device. When they are close together, they produce a coupling phenomenon and achieve the transmission of current. The transfer efficiency is good, but there are distance restrictions, and large capacity charging stations are required. The second type is magnetic resonance charging, which is different from the above electric field. This method generates electrical energy through the resonance of the same frequency magnetic field generated by the resonators at both ends.

    2, electric field coupled wireless charging, the principle is to transmit power by coupling two groups of asymmetric dipoles along the vertical direction of the induced electric field generated. Suitable for short distance charging, high conversion efficiency, the position can not be fixed; However, the disadvantage is that it requires a large volume of equipment and less power. 3, wireless charging for electric vehicles As far as the current point of view, only static wireless charging can be achieved, but static wireless charging is only a little more convenient than wired charging, in terms of cost, safety and charging efficiency is far less than wired charging. In terms of technology and cost control, dynamic wireless charging is difficult to popularize in a short time. the

    What is wireless fast charge

    1, wireless fast charging is a combination of wireless charging technology and fast charging technology, and the mainstream models on the market now support wireless fast charging technology. Wireless fast charging mobile phones are Xiaomi Huawei P40, Mate30, Mate30 pro and so on. Wireless charging technology Because the charger and the electrical device transmit energy by magnetic field, the two are not connected by wires, so the charger and the electrical device can be no conductive contact exposed.

    2, in general, wireless fast charge is a magnetic resonance based,The wireless charging method of electromagnetic induction technology, which eliminates the tedious operation of wired charging, brings users a more convenient and efficient charging experience. Its wide application and continuous technological development indicate that wireless fast charging will become the mainstream way of charging electronic devices in the future.

    3, wireless fast charge is the use of electromagnetic induction principle, there is a coil in the sending and receiving end, the sending end of the coil connected to the wired power supply to generate electromagnetic signal, the receiving end of the coil induction of the sending end of the electromagnetic signal to generate current to charge the battery, can be simply understood as a transformer without a magnetic core. Wireless fast charge compared to wired, wirelessCharging on the battery loss is smaller, wireless charging technology is more convenient and low charging heat advantages.

    4, w wireless fast charge refers to the wireless fast charge technology power reached 50W. The 50W wireless charger can almost complete the entire charging process of the 4500mAh large-capacity battery in less than 50 minutes. That's about the same speed as most wired fast charges today.

    5, wmax wireless fast charge is the abbreviation of wireless charging function, but also represents the wireless charger. This charger can not be connected to the socket, very convenient. It has the function of fast charging. withWith the function of fast charging, it does not need the data cable to charge the phone directly, and only needs the user to put the phone near the wireless charger to charge it directly. The following is a detailed example to introduce this wireless charging method.

    Mobile phone no power street lamp can be wireless fast charge

    Such a wireless charging street lamp makes it very convenient to go outside when the phone is out of power, just put the phone on the street lamp to charge. It is hoped that the country will promote such facilities in all cities and regions across the country in the future.

    According to the staff of Wuhan Construction Bureau, JianghanOn the road, about 60 mobile phones with wireless charging function of new street lamps have been installed, and fast charging can be achieved on the road light pole labeled "mobile phone wireless charging port". Each street lamp has 2 places to charge, but there are requirements for the phone model. In addition, the street lamp also has the function of monitoring the pedestrian flow in the pedestrian street and one-button alarm, which has been praised by netizens and expressed the hope that it will be promoted nationwide.

    A new convenient service has been added to the streets of Wuhan, that is, mobile phone wireless charging street lights, surprisingly, this service is free. Just place the phone gently on the street light, you can start charging, for those who are out of mobile phone powerIs undoubtedly a great boon.

    Put the phone on the wireless charging device, in about 15 minutes to 20 minutes, you can charge more than 70%. If your mobile phone has wireless charging function, you can achieve fast charging on the street. For some passers-by who have an emergency, this new street lamp is very convenient. Many netizens expressed hope that other regions could follow suit. Very convenient As netizens said, this new street lamp is very convenient.

    In the bustling Wuhan Jianghan Road, you do not need to worry about the problem of mobile phone battery. Surprised to tell you that wireless charging has been in the street lamp steps of Jianghan RoadThe top quietly appeared. Just out of the subway, you can find them in about 60 street lights, each lamp has 2 charging points, support high-power wireless fast charging. Many citizens have tried it and praised its novelty and convenience.

    According to the introduction of the staff, there are currently more than 60 rechargeable street lights open to the public, each street light has two places to charge, high-power wireless fast charge. Advantages of rechargeable street lights. The development of science and technology can always bring surprises to life. The emergence of this high-tech street lamp has greatly improved people's understanding of new things, and it is also more conducive to people's acceptance. Many netizens joked toAfter no longer afraid of shopping when unable to pay.

    Does wireless fast charging really reduce cell phone battery life? The truth is here!

    1, however, wireless fast charging does not directly lead to reduced battery life. Battery life is affected by a variety of factors, lithium batteries have no memory effect, frequent charging, power off does not affect. What can really damage a battery are wrong charging habits, high temperatures, and substandard charging equipment. For example, OPPO Ace2 uses 40W wireless flash charging technology to passSeries double cell and air-cooled cooling technology, taking into account the charging efficiency and safety.

    2, factors affecting battery life Although some people worry that wireless fast charging will damage battery life, in fact, wireless fast charging itself will not. Battery life is affected by a variety of factors, such as faulty charging habits (excessive discharge and frequent charging), high temperatures, and non-compliant charging devices. Lithium batteries have no memory effect, and appropriate "use with charge" is beneficial to battery health.

    3, in theory, wireless fast charge and mobile phone fast charge, are specifically designed for mobile phones, mobile phone battery is no harm toThis is something that needs to be understood. However, when the user chooses a wireless charger, it is best to choose a charger that is compatible with the mobile phone, or choose a charger produced by a regular manufacturer.

    4, This feature will not have any negative impact on the phone. In response to this problem, some people said that they often use fast charge, but the mobile phone battery is very normal, there is no problem. Wireless charging is to reduce people's trouble that the data line is too cumbersome. Now wireless charging without the data line people charging becomes very convenient and simple, so the frequency of people charging will also increase.

    5Wireless charging bank has no harm to mobile phone battery. Because the working frequency of wireless charging is now below 1M, it will not affect the signal of the mobile phone. On the contrary, wireless chargers not only reduce the use of data cables, but also make charging methods more free and safer. It is basically the same as wired charging, but the rate is lower, but the wireless charger still has a high energy conversion rate, which saves energy consumption more.

    6, electromagnetic induction, magnetic resonance, wireless fast charge will not affect the life of the battery.

    Wireless charging for mobile phones is not as easy as you think

    After three generations of wireless charging on the Apple Watch, it was not until the 2017 iPhone X/iPhone 8 that Qi 1 standard 5W wireless charging was supported. Also in this year, Apple proposed the concept of AirPower charging pillow. The biggest highlight of AirPower is that it can arbitrarily place charging devices, allowing users to charge devices that support wireless charging such as iPhone, Apple Watch and AirPods at the same time.

    Principle of electromagnetic induction, magnetic resonance, electric field coupling wireless charging to charge the mobile phone. Most of the wireless charging on the market now uses electromagnetic induction, which is a widely used technology. The efficiency of charging is very fast. Many of the original accessories of the electronics factory are using this principle, and now we see that most of the Apple mobile phones on the market have this function.

    The mobile phone can not be moved, as long as the wireless charger is used to charge, then the location of the mobile phone must be very regular, if it is accidentally touched, then it can not be charged, especially before going to bed at nightCharged, accidentally touched when sleeping, or other reasons lead to the position is not fit, and then get up in the morning to find that the phone is not charged, think about it is really quite a headache.

    Wireless charger usage: the mobile phone standard charger and data cable connected to the wireless charger, and then the mobile phone is/horizontally placed in the wireless charger base left and right center position, you can achieve wireless charging, the indicator light will have a breathing effect, 5 seconds after the extinguish, plug and play, convenient and quick.

    There are two coils on the phone that create a magnetic field when the charging pad is turned on. The coils on the phone generate communicationElectricity, and then convert alternating current into direct current, we can charge the phone. Although the charging principle is simple, the manufacturing process is really complex and not as simple as we can currently imagine. First of all, the distance of wireless charging is too short, and the effect of wired charging is no different.

    Insert the interface end of the wireless charging receiver as shown in the picture into the charging hole of the phone, just like wired charging. Then place the receiver patch on the back of the phone. Once plugged in, you can proceed to the next step. Now connect the QI wireless charger to the socket so that it is inPower working state. In fact, it is very simple, just use it as a charging bank.

    Millet ten years of charging technology development: from 5W to 120W, millet's new flagship fast charging system will reach more than 200W...

    As a company established only 11 years ago, Xiaomi has become more and more powerful in recent years, every once in a while will bring surprises, large capacity, flagship, super fast charge, super camera. This time, millet was brought back at the end of the monthHere's an amazing piece of technology. 200W wired 120W wireless, let the phone charging time directly into the single digits.

    It is not recommended to buy 120w fast charge, because Lei Jun showed millet 200W wired fast charge and 120W wireless fast charge technology on Weibo. 200W wired fast charge only takes 8 minutes to full 100%, 120W wireless fast charge only takes 15 minutes to full 100%. However, this move also attracted the dissatisfaction of the People's Daily Network, naming and criticizing Millet for arbitrary actions, because the excessive wireless charging power may cause security risks to aviation, shipping, astronomical observation and so on.

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