This article gives you a talk about wireless fast charging Rubik's Cube tutorial graphic method, and wireless fast charging module corresponding knowledge points, I hope to help y...

Wireless fast charge Rubik's Cube tutorial Graphic method (Wireless fast charge module)

This article gives you a talk about wireless fast charging Rubik's Cube tutorial graphic method, and wireless fast charging module corresponding knowledge points, I hope to help you, don't forget to collect this site oh. < / p > < h2 > the article directory list: < / h2 > < ul > < li style = 'margin - bottom: 3 px; list-style: none'>1, Rubik's Cube formula diagram 2, Rubik's cube tutorial step by step diagram Final step

  • 3, Rubik's Cube Formula Formula 7 step by step diagram
  • 4, Rubik's cube tutorial step-by-step diagram
  • 5, Rubik's cube step by step tutorial diagram
  • 6, Rubik's Cube second level tutorial step by step diagram
  • Rubik's Cube tutorial formula formula diagram

    1, Rubik's cube tutorial formula formula seven steps: right inverse, up straight, forward inverse, up inverse; Right inverse, down inverse, right straight, down straight; Up-flow, right-flow, up-flow, right-flow, up-flow, up-flow, up-flow, up-flow; Front straight, right straight, up straight, right inverse, up inverse, forward inverse; Right straight, up straight, right inverse, up straight, right straight, up straight, up straight, right inverse; Up, right, up, left, up, right, up, left; Inverse, downward, right, downward.

    2, Rubik's cube tutorial formula formula seven steps: right inverse, upForward inverse, upward inverse. Putting the bottom edge of the Rubik's cube back in place is called cross reduction. Right reverse, down reverse, right straight, down. To return the bottom corner is to restore the four small corner blocks of the first layer of the Rubik's cube. Up stream, right stream, up stream, right stream, up stream, forward stream, forward stream. Put the second layer of the cube back in place, that is, restore the middle four edges of the cube.

    3. Take the complete surface restored in the first step as the base, and restore the trapezoid formed by the bottom layer and the center block of the four sides, as shown in the following figure. At the same time as the second step is completed, the side completed in the first step remains intact. (There is no formula in the above two steps, so if you want to complete the Rubik's cube restoration,The above two steps are the most basic, you need to explore and practice on your own.

    4, restore the first layer to find the yellow center block to spell out the yellow heart white cross; The yellow heart white cross edge blocks are aligned with the center block, and turn to the opposite side to form a white heart white cross; Restore the white corner block, put the white heart and white cross towards the bottom, go to the third layer successively to find the white corner block, and then use the formula to restore the corner block.

    5, the formula is represented by letters: F -- front B -- back R -- right side L -- left side U -- top D -- bottom M -- middle layer letters to explain the 1 layer or 1 surface to rotate and the direction: exampleFor example: R (representing 90 degrees clockwise on the right side), R (representing 90 degrees counterclockwise on the right side), R2 (representing 90 degrees clockwise on the right side twice).

    Rubik's Cube tutorial step-by-step diagram last step

    The last step of the Rubik's cube formula: adjust the position of the top side block, make it return, with three cycles, that is, the left side, the front side, the right side, the top side block of the three faces moves clockwise or counterclockwise, and the back (B side) does not move. Formula: T7: (turn counterclockwise) R U-, R U, R U, R U-, R-U -, R2. T8: (turn clockwise) RU R, U R-, U-r -, U-r -, U R-.

    The last step of the Rubik's cube restoration is introduced as follows: no matter how to turn, the middle block of each face is fixed, so the color of the center block of each side determines the color of the face, no matter how to turn, the block with three colors located in the top corner will always be in a certain top corner, and the block located in the middle of the edge has two colors.

    Top cross (color) Bottom left, top left, front right, top right, front left, top left. Top corner block (color) Left hand: top left, top leftRight, lower left, upper right, upper left, upper 180, lower left. Right hand: upper right, upper left, lower right, upper left, upper right, upper 180, lower right. Top corner block (position) Left hand: left 180, front 180, lower left, back left, upper left, front 180, lower left, back right, lower left.

    The final two steps of the third order Rubik's Cube are as follows: Step 1 Return the top corner of the first face & Complete the first layer This step will return the scattered white top corner block. The first step is to confirm the position of the white corner block with the same color as the adjacent three sides. As shown below, the color of the top corner block closest to you should be [white-blue-red].Formula formula formula seven step by step diagram '> Rubik's Formula Formula Formula seven step by step diagram

    1, spell the cross formula formula 1 right-up-up-up-right formula 2 Right-up-up-up-right Rubiks Cube, English name Rubiks Cube, also known as Rubik Square, is a hand extreme sport. Usually refers to the third level Rubik's cube. A Rubik's cube is usually rectangular in shape and made of flexible hard plastic. The racing game is to scramble the Rubik's cube and then recover it in the shortest possible time.

    2, Rubik's cube tutorial formula formula seven steps: right inverse, onStraight, forward inverse, upward inverse; Right inverse, down inverse, right straight, down straight; Up-flow, right-flow, up-flow, right-flow, up-flow, up-flow, up-flow, up-flow; Front straight, right straight, up straight, right inverse, up inverse, forward inverse; Right straight, up straight, right inverse, up straight, right straight, up straight, up straight, right inverse; Up, right, up, left, up, right, up, left; Inverse, downward, right, downward.

    3, the first step we need to build a cross, that is, a "ten" shape, will encounter some situations can be solved with the method in the figure. The second step needs to restore the four corner blocks, and the following three situations are generally encountered, according to the wayFix. The third step is to restore the second layer, which will encounter two situations, one left and one right. The fourth step to build the top surface cross, here only need to remember a formula: F R U R UF.

    4, Rubik's cube tutorial formula formula seven steps are: right inverse, up clockwise, forward inverse, up inverse. Putting the bottom edge of the Rubik's cube back in place is called cross reduction. Right reverse, down reverse, right straight, down. To return the bottom corner is to restore the four small corner blocks of the first layer of the Rubik's cube. Up stream, right stream, up stream, right stream, up stream, forward stream, forward stream. Put the second layer of the cube back in place, that is, restore the middle four edges of the cube.

    5, Rubik's cube tutorial formula formula seven steps 1 First step restore one side This step is the most primary, just find a side you like the color, directly restore to a good surface. The second step is to restore the bottom layer of the four side surfaces and the center block with the intact surface recovered in the first step as the base, restore the trapezoid formed by the bottom layer of the four side surfaces and the center block, as shown in the following figure. At the end of the second step, the side completed by the first step remains intact.

    6, the 7 steps of the Rubik's Cube formula are as follows: The Rubik's cube is not restored side by side, but is restored layer by layer. Rubik's cube tutorial formula formula seven steps: right inverse, up, beforeInverse, superinverse. Right reverse, down reverse, right straight, down. Up stream, right stream, up stream, right stream, up stream, forward stream, forward stream. Forward flow, right flow, up flow, right inverse, up inverse, forward inverse.

    Rubik's Cube tutorial step-by-step diagram

    1, the following figure is the formula and the meaning of the formula letter, do not need to remember, use a few times to remember, the following will use the formula letter to explain the steps. To complete the first layer, the formula R2 is required to complete the first layer of the cross, which can be placed in accordance with the order of Figure 1. The specific form of the Rubik's cube in your hand is shown belowAll are examples of solutions in several states.

    2, simply put a scrambled Rubik's cube into a flower of the same color. Be careful that the color must be relative, if the white is the center point, use the yellow opposite the white to make the petals. As shown in the figure: Figure 1 and Figure 2 Rotate the cross flower so that it becomes a cross of the same color. Note that the center point is the same color as the side as you rotate. As shown in the following figure: Figure 1 and Figure 2 are then put together so that they are T-shaped like the center color block.

    3, the Rubik's cube step-by-step tutorial diagram is as follows: First, the pyramid cube corner block back to the position, and then choose one at willThe colors match the center blocks together, and if the yellow side is selected as the bottom side, then the corresponding side of the corner block without yellow is the yellow bottom side.

    Rubik's Cube step-by-step tutorial diagram

    1. Take the green middle block as the top and find the green middle block. Take the middle block of the middle layer as the standard, and determine the order of forming the cross as shown in the following figure: Middle block white orange yellow pink where yellow pink can not be seen to form a cross in the back; Counterclockwise order; The upper cross must be white green, orange green, yellow green, pink green at this time according to the color blockA sequence rotation creates a three-dimensional cross.

    2, the first step: complete the top cross choose one side to do the top cross, we choose white, be sure to ensure that the color of the side block 1 and the central block 2 are consistent. In order to turn block 3 to the desired position, it is necessary to rotate the right side by 180°, which is the formula R2. If this situation is found in the above figure, the formula in the lower right corner of the figure is shown.

    Method 1 of 9 First prepare a scrambled Rubik's cube. Please click enter picture description 2/9 and restore the bottom of the cube, that is, the same color as the bottom, the bottom layer of the four sides is the same color. Please click EnterPicture Description 3/9 Put the same color side at the bottom, and then the color in the middle of the second layer of the four faces corresponds to the same color in the bottom layer.

    4, the third level of the Rubik's Cube tutorial 1 ~ 7 Step Figure Operation Method 0 The first layer: Complete the cross of the first layer of the Rubik's cube I choose the yellow center of the cube as my base plane, adjust the four yellow edge squares of the Rubik's cube to the yellow center of the fast face to form the yellow cross of the first layer. This step is very simple and can be easily rotated at will.

    Rubik's Cube second level tutorial step-by-step diagram

    Second order Rubik's Cube formula diagram 1 First choose one of the six colors in the two-order Rubik's cube, such as the yellow I randomly found in the following figure.

    The Rubik's Cube second level tutorial is illustrated step by step as follows: The second level Rubik's cube has three steps. The first step is to restore the top; The second step is to restore the corresponding face; The third step is to restore the cube comprehensively. Assuming that the top is white and its corresponding bottom is yellow, first restore the four faces of the top white, and the four adjacent sides are pairs of the same color, as shown in the figure. The second step is to restore the white corresponding face is to restore the yellow face.

    Step 2 Restore the top surface yellowThis step will turn the top of the cube yellow. This is not the case in the picture above, put a yellow corner block on the side of the picture where the yellow corner block is on the top corner block, and the yellow side of the corner block should be on the back, if not, change the corner block, and do the formula in the picture above until the top surface is all yellow.

    About the wireless fast charging Rubik's Cube tutorial graphic method and wireless fast charging module this is the end of the introduction, do not know you find the information you need? If you want to know more about this, remember to follow this site. < / p >