This article gives you a talk about the wireless pat light charging does not enter electricity, as well as the wireless pat light charging does not enter the corresponding knowled...

Wireless pat lights can not be charged into the electricity (wireless pat lights can not be charged into the electricity what happened)

This article gives you a talk about the wireless pat light charging does not enter electricity, as well as the wireless pat light charging does not enter the corresponding knowledge point, I hope to help you, do not forget to collect this site. < / p > < h2 > the article directory list: < / h2 > < ul > < li style = 'margin - bottom: 3 px; list-style: none'>1, What's wrong with the mosquito charge?

  • 2, Small desk lamp can not be charged what happened
  • 3, What is the reason why the electric fly swatter cannot be charged
  • 4, Charging desk lamp charging display bright normal, why is it still not charged?
  • What's wrong with the mosquito charge?

    Cause 1: Loose charging cable Sometimes the charging cable of the electric mosquito is loose, which will lead to the inability to charge the electric mosquito. At this time, just check the connection between the charging cable and the electric mosquito bat to confirm whether the connection is tight. Cause two: The internal line of the electric mosquito swatter is disconnected after some electric mosquito swatter is used for a long time, its internal line may be disconnected.

    The general reason why the electric mosquito bat cannot be charged is: the power switch of the electric mosquito bat. Commonly used 6x6mm lightTouch micro key switch, working at 120 to 200mA conditions, due to frequent operation to turn off the power supply, more easily damaged. Battery case and battery.

    The battery is dead. The battery's electrolyte dries up and holds no or only a small amount of power. And the drying of the battery will cause the battery voltage to rise, and then cause the flashlight lamp to burn.

    Battery aging: the use of electric mosquito for a long time, the battery will age, resulting in insufficient power, even if charged for a period of time, the power can not be full, the charging indicator will always show green. Charging indicator fault: The charging indicator is faulty and cannot be positiveThe charging status is often displayed, even if the battery is low, the charging indicator will always show green.

    Small table lamp can not be charged what happened

    Do you find it annoying that the lamp cannot be charged? Don't worry, it's probably just a small problem with the power switch or the booster board! Follow us to troubleshoot, easily solve the power switch failure try the two pins of the short-circuit switch, if the light is normally lit up, it is the problem of the key switch! If it's not, we might need to look at the back circuit.

    The lamp can't be chargedThe power switch is faulty, or it may be that the booster board is faulty, the multimeter can be used to measure and check, the bare or broken wire will lead to the lamp is not charged, you need to find a similar charging cable, check whether it can be charged normally.

    The reasons are as follows, there are many reasons for the charging lamp to be charged, which may be that the plug board is out of power or the plug board is in poor contact.

    What is the reason why the electric fly swatter cannot be charged

    Cause 1: Loose charging cable Sometimes the charging cable of the electric mosquito is loose, it willUnable to charge the battery. At this time, just check the connection between the charging cable and the electric mosquito bat to confirm whether the connection is tight. Cause two: The internal line of the electric mosquito swatter is disconnected after some electric mosquito swatter is used for a long time, its internal line may be disconnected.

    The general reason why the electric mosquito bat cannot be charged is: the power switch of the electric mosquito bat. Commonly used 6x6mm light touch miniature key switch, working at 120 to 200mA conditions, due to frequent operation to turn off the power supply, more easily damaged. Battery case and battery.

    (1) The fault of the battery box is mostly battery leakage, resulting in positive copper orThe negative spring is corroded and oxidized, and the contact is poor, resulting in the electric mosquito bat not working. Scrape off the rust completely with a knife. If the electric mosquito is not used for a long time, it is recommended to take out the battery, which is the best way to prevent rust and oxidation of the electrode. (2) The battery consumes power for a long time.

    If you can't charge, there are two reasons for the charger may be that your charging cable is broken, and another reason may be that the racket of your racket is damaged and the battery is damaged.

    Charging lamp charging display bright normalWhy is it still not charging?

    1, if the lamp can not be charged, you first need to check whether the power socket is normal. Make sure the switch on the socket is on and there is no power failure. If the outlet is working properly, you can try plugging in the same outlet with another electrical device to determine if the problem is in the outlet. If there is no problem with the socket, then you need to check whether there is any fault with the lamp itself. First, try charging the lamp with another charger or power adapter.

    2, the lamp is not charged into the power may be a failure of the power switch, it may also be the booster plateIf there is a fault, you can use a multimeter to measure and check. If the cable is exposed or broken, the lamp will not be charged. You need to find a similar charging cable to check whether it can be charged normally.

    3, the internal circuit of the charging lamp is composed of three parts: lamp head, control circuit, and battery. The most likely problem is the battery, usually the battery failure, and for low-cost charging desk lamps, there may be a problem is the internal connection cable loose after a fall.

    4, why does the charging lamp not charge this is probably the following reasons, there are roughly two reasons for the failure: The charging lamp power switchBarrier. You can short-circuit the two pins of the switch to check whether the indicator light can light up normally. If it can light normally, it indicates that the key switch is damaged and can be replaced. If no, the fault is in the subsequent circuit. The booster plate is faulty. The detection of the booster plate fault can only be measured by a multimeter.

    5, if the line is broken, find the same wire of the business, change a first try. The indicator light is broken, but the possibility is very small (if this is the case, the battery is not charged, indicating that the battery has been vulcanized in a high-voltage resistance state, and the battery needs to be repaired) internal charging line failure: the most likely is the internal CBB capacitor boiling road, which needs to be replaced. rightDo not enter the electricity and wireless pat lamp charge do not enter the electricity how to introduce this is the end, do not know you find the information you need from it? If you want to know more about this, remember to follow this site. < / p >