This article gives you a talk about how to charge money for wireless mobile phones, and how to charge money for wireless mobile phones to the computer corresponding knowledge point...

How to charge money for wireless phones (How to charge money for wireless phones to computers)

This article gives you a talk about how to charge money for wireless mobile phones, and how to charge money for wireless mobile phones to the computer corresponding knowledge points, I hope to help you, don't forget to collect this site. < / p > < h2 > the article directory list: < / h2 > < ul > < li style = 'margin - bottom: 3 px; list-style: none'>1, How do I pay for your home wifi?
  • 2, How to recharge your mobile phone
  • 3. How to pay for a phone without a network
  • How to pay for wifi at home

    Several ways to pay for wifi at home: Go to the broadband operator's business hall to pay. Go to the operator's online business hall or mobile app interface to recharge. Use third-party software (such as Alipay, wechat wallet) for broadband recharge function. The Wi-Fi Alliance manufacturer's trademark as a product brand certification is one created in IEEE8011 Standard wireless LAN technology.

    If you find that your Wi-Fi is overdue and you do not know how to pay for your broadband account, you can follow the following steps: First, you can call the customer service hotline of your Internet service provider (such as Unicom). On the phone, request to contact a human customer service agent in order to verify your identity information. After successful verification, you can ask customer service to get your broadband account.

    The cost of WiFi at home usually needs to be paid to the Internet service provider. The exact payment method depends on your Internet service provider and your region,Open the Alipay client. Then in the Alipay home page, select "more" where the red arrow indicates in the figure below. In the page, select the arrow point "convenient life" - "living fee". Go to the Cost of living page and select "broadband" where the arrow points. Then choose your own home broadband provider. Then enter your broadband number and follow the prompts.

    Yes, there is an overdue recharge on the computer after broadband payment, and there is a two-dimensional code on it. Scan the two-dimensional code to enter, you can choose Alipay as the payment method and fill in the account you need to pay, such as XXX@ADSAn account like L.com will do.

    Broadband arrearage, you can directly use the mobile phone to open the data traffic, directly open the QQ China Telecom public number for consultation recharge, or direct official website recharge, you can also pay directly in the offline business hall, and Alipay can pay broadband fees.

    Pro, Unicom wireless network card overpayment, first need to know the Internet card number, you can through the mobile phone business hall, online business hall or to the nearest business hall recharge payment oh.

    You can dial 10011 one card charging line, choose to recharge for other numbers; Or via network cardAfter the client makes a "network connection", send a short message "3# recharge card password # mobile phone number" or "CZ# Recharge card password # mobile phone number" to 10010 (for the local recharge, the information content can edit "mobile phone number"). After successful recharge, you can receive payment SMS notification.

    How to pay the bill without network

    If the environment is suitable, you can connect to the wireless network and use the mobile phone business hall, Alipay or wechat and other software to recharge the mobile phone. If you don't have Wi-Fi, you canPay with wechat, click the link in the SMS sent by the operator, you can recharge. If you pay offline, you can go to the business hall to pay or ask a friend to help pay.

    The most direct way is to go to the telecom business hall to directly use cash recharge, but it may be time-consuming. Generally, when the machine is just stopped, it is unilateral stop, at this time, you can wait for a friend to call, and then ask a friend to charge it. Now the shops generally have a wireless local area network, that is, WiFi, to buy milk tea shops or to some restaurants to sit for a while using WiFi can also pay phone bills online.

    inOnline payment: Use the official website, APP or third-party payment platform (such as Alipay, wechat, etc.) of the mobile phone operator to select the corresponding payment channel for online payment. Business hall payment: Go to the operator's business hall, use cash, bank cards and other ways to pay. Automatic payment: In order to avoid future arrears, you can set up automatic payment function to ensure that network fees are paid on time.

    If the mobile phone number is not canceled or locked up, you can recharge through third-party channels such as Alipay, or you can recharge through online business hall, mobile phone business hall and other channels.

    handThere is no network after the machine is overdue, if you want to pay, you can choose to pay online or offline, online payment is the use of wechat green channel for payment. After the phone is shut down, mobile, Telecom and China Unicom operators will send a short message to the disabled user with a link, click the link to pay the bill, so that you can pay the phone bill.

    The first situation: when a person is at home, the mobile phone has no network and cannot make a call, then use the computer to charge the phone. If you don't have a computer, you have to go out and find a place to surf the Internet. The second situation: a person outside, the mobile phone has no network arrears can not call, then find a passerby, givePassers-by cash or transfer money to passers-by (the best account is a small amount of 10 yuan, even if the loss is not big), passers-by give you a phone charge.

    Wireless mobile phone how to charge money on the introduction to talk here, thank you for taking the time to read the content of the site, more about wireless mobile phone how to charge money to the computer, wireless mobile phone how to charge money information don't forget to find in the site oh.