This article gives you a talk about wireless terminal battery charging, and wireless terminal battery charging not into the corresponding knowledge points, I hope to help you, do...

Wireless terminal battery can not be charged (wireless terminal battery can not be charged how to do)

This article gives you a talk about wireless terminal battery charging, and wireless terminal battery charging not into the corresponding knowledge points, I hope to help you, do not forget to collect this site. < / p > < h2 > the article directory list: < / h2 > < ul > < li style = 'margin - bottom: 3 px; list-style: none'>1, What is an uncharged batteryThe reason?

  • 2, What is the reason why the battery cannot be charged?
  • 3. What to do if the battery is not charged
  • What is the reason why the battery cannot be charged?

    The cause of the battery is not charged: The battery is fully charged: The battery must not be charged when it is fully charged. The negative plate sulfate of the battery: this is because the ordinary constant voltage charger due to the design of the setting reasons may make the charge is not complete even in the use of the process can be charged or discharged, but due to insufficient charge will beAs a result, the capacity gradually decreases and the life span is shortened.

    Battery attenuation is serious. Parking for a long time or leaving the car door open can automatically drain the battery. Solution: Replace the battery. The generator belt is aged. The deterioration of hardness, abrasion, fiber fracture and other phenomena indicate that the belt is aging. Solution: Replace the generator belt. The electrolyte in the battery dries up, the plate is broken or short-circuited. Plate sulphation will block the flow of electrons, resulting in a decrease in battery capacity. Solution: Add electrolyte regularly.

    Battery put a long time to charge not into the electricity solution: sulfate, repair method: the vulcanized battery with pulse repair instrument repairThe use of high voltage (30V-50V) pulse (8330HZ) small current (1%-2% of the nominal capacity of the battery), with 10 to 20 hours to remove the hard lead sulfate after crystallization in the battery. Plate softening, repair method: After the battery discharge stops at 5V, use the lamp to deeply discharge for 1-5 hours.

    There are many reasons for the car battery does not charge, mainly including the charging line connection is not strong, the charger is damaged, the battery lacks liquid or is damaged, the battery is vulcanized, the generator belt is aging, the battery plate is vulcanized, the electrolyte in the battery is dry, the plate is broken, the plate is short circuit, and the battery is failedNo electricity. The negative plate sulfation of the battery: this is because the ordinary constant voltage charger due to the design of the setting reasons may make the charge incomplete even in the use of the process can be charged or discharged, but due to insufficient charge will lead to the gradual reduction of capacity life will be shortened.

    Battery attenuation is serious. Parking for a long time or leaving the car door open can automatically drain the battery. Solution: Replace the battery. The generator belt is aged. The deterioration of hardness, abrasion, fiber fracture and other phenomena indicate that the belt is aging. Solution: Replace the generator belt. The electrolyte in the battery dries up, the plate is broken or short-circuited. Plate sulphation will block the flow of electronsCall bottle capacity decreased. Solution: Add electrolyte regularly.

    Battery attenuation is serious. For example, when the car is parked for a long time, the battery loses power, and the door is not closed tightly, resulting in the car lighting that is always on and the battery is exhausted. Solution: Replace the battery. The generator belt is aged. The symptoms of belt aging are reduced hardness, abrasion, fiber breakage, or cracks, cracks and other phenomena. Solution: Replace the generator belt. The electrolyte in the battery dries up, the plate breaks, and the plate shorts.

    What if the battery is not charged

    When electricityThe solution for the bottle to be charged for a long time is: in the case of light vulcanization, balanced charging is used. The battery can be generally balanced charging, so that it lasts one to two days, and it can be returned to normal. In the case of heavy vulcanization, water therapy can be used to charge and discharge. The battery needs to be charged and discharged by hydrotherapy to return to normal.

    Causes and solutions of battery charging failure: If the electrolyte in the battery dries up, the plate is broken, and the plate is short-circuited; Solution: Check the electrolyte level regularly, and add the electrolyte in time when the liquid level drops.

    When the battery can not be charged for too long, there are the following solutionsMethods: balanced charge, hydrotherapy charge and discharge, using repair instrument. If the battery loses power for too long and cannot be charged, it may be because the battery is vulcanized. In the case of light vulcanization, the method of balanced charging can be used. Through general balanced charging, lasting one to two days, the battery can return to normal.

    Reasons and solutions for battery charging: such as electrolyte drying in battery, plate fracture, plate short circuit, etc.; Solution: Check the liquid level of the electrolyte regularly, and add the electrolyte in time when the liquid level drops.

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