This article to talk about Henggang mobile phone wireless charging pcba solution development, as well as wireless charging pcb design corresponding knowledge points, I hope to hel...

Henggang Mobile phone wireless charging pcba solution development (wireless charging pcb design)

This article to talk about Henggang mobile phone wireless charging pcba solution development, as well as wireless charging pcb design corresponding knowledge points, I hope to help you, don't forget to collect the site oh. < / p > < h2 > the article directory list: < / h2 > < ul > < li style = 'margin - bottom: 3 px; list-style: none'>1, Breakthrough 50W! Nanxin Technology launches High power wireless transmission charging solution SC9610&SC8701

  • 2, What are the wireless charging concept stocks? Wireless charging concept stocks become market hot
  • 3, What technology does mobile phone wireless charging use?
  • 4, What is the principle of wireless charging?
  • 5, What is a Wireless Charging Emission Board (PCBA)?
  • 6, Seek simple mobile phone wireless charger circuit diagram or schematic diagram and schematic analysis
  • Break through 50W! Nanxin Technology launches High power wireless transmission charging solution SC9610&SC8701

    1. Driven by technological innovation, Nanxin Technology constantly breaks through the boundaries of wireless charging technology. The birth of SC9610&SC8701 marks the arrival of a new era of high-power wireless charging. These two products not only represent the outstanding technical strength of Nanxin Technology, but also promote the development of the entire industry to higher power and higher efficiency.

    2, and wireless charging technology does not need to pass connectors, metal contacts, etc., as a medium, just putYou can charge it on the charging stand. Wireless charging does not require a conventional charger and power line, so it can improve the water resistance and reliability of the equipment, no bad connectors occur, and wireless charging equipment has standard specifications, a power supply device can be used for a variety of terminals.

    3, the official said that the Xiaomi surging P1 chip is self-developed and designed by Xiaomi and manufactured by Nanxin Semiconductor (internal code SC8561). This chip has an ultra-high voltage 4:1 charging architecture, enabling 120W single cell charging. Supports 1:2:1 and 4:1 conversion modes, all>

    Wireless charging concept stocks what? Wireless charging concept stocks become market hot

    1, Jinsheng Precision (300083) : The company has a wireless charging structure related patents, and is developing wireless charging ceramic battery cover technology. Klik (002782) : On the interactive platform, it said that it has the technical reserve of wireless charging, and will actively carry out the strategic layout and seize the opportunity to enter the market. 2, wireless charging concept a total of 14 listed companies, of which 2 wirelessCharging concept listed companies are traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and another 12 wireless charging concept listed companies are traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Below is a list of wireless charging concept stocks.

    3, Apple wireless charging concept stocks are: Hengdian East Magnetic (002056) : Hengdian East Magnetic said on the interactive platform on September 6, 2017 that the company currently provides wireless charging disks to Apple.

    4, so, what are the wireless charging concept stocks? The following are a few wireless charging concept stocks recognized by the market: SAN An Optoelectronics (60070SH) : SAN An Optoelectronics is a well-known domestic semiconductor lighting andOne of the display solution providers, which also has more in-depth research in wireless charging technology. The wireless charging chip developed by the company has been applied in a number of intelligent devices, and has a high market competitiveness.

    What technology does mobile phone wireless charging use?

    1, electromagnetic induction technology is the first generation of mobile phone wireless charging representative, through the primary coil to transmit a certain frequency of alternating current, the use of electromagnetic induction in the secondary coil to generate current, wireless transmission of energy. However, this technology can only achieve one-to-one, short distance(within 1cm) of the charging, the power is limited to 5 watts, can not achieve single-to-multiple charging like WiFi.

    2, now speaking, the most used is electromagnetic induction. Compared with the other two wireless charging methods, electromagnetic induction technology is more mature, charging efficiency is higher than other ways, followed by his implementation structure is simpler and more stable operation. So our mobile phones are currently using this electromagnetic induction type.

    3, wireless charging methods include electromagnetic induction, magnetic resonance, electric field coupling and radio wave transmission, wireless charging of mobile phonesElectricity mostly uses the principle of electromagnetic induction. Electromagnetic induction wireless charging, when the current of the power supply through the coil (wireless charger's power supply coil) will generate a magnetic field, other unenergized coil (mobile phone side of the electric coil) close to the magnetic field will generate current, charging the mobile phone. As shown below.

    4, the principle of wireless charging technology is "magnetic electricity", simply put, through the charging device and the mobile phone device installed on the two "magnetic equipment" mutual induction and formation of current. At present, products supporting wireless charging have appeared in mobile phones, electric vehicles, smart furniture and other fields. Among them, in the mobile phone industry, "Q"i standard" is the most common, and Qi labels are often used in the packaging of many mobile phones and wireless chargers. 5, wireless charging is also known as inductive charging, non-contact inductive charging, from wireless power transmission technology, is the use of near-field induction, that is, inductive coupling, by the power supply device (charger) to transmit energy to the power device, the device uses the received energy to charge the battery, and at the same time for its own operation.

    6, however, because of the low conversion efficiency, if you use this way, the charging time will be longer. Focused Light: This is Microsoft ResearchOut of a new wireless charging technology "AutoCharge". AutoCharge is described as a technology that automatically locates and charges a phone on a desk.

    What is the principle of wireless charging?

    1, the basic principle of wireless charging is to convert the current into a magnetic field, which is transmitted through the air and converted into a current to be transmitted to the intelligent terminal. When the system works, the input end converts the AC mains into direct current through the full bridge rectifier circuit, or uses the 24V direct current end to supply power to the system directly. Power managedAfter the module output direct current through 2M active crystal inverter converted into high frequency alternating current supply primary winding.

    2, wireless charging system mainly uses the principle of electromagnetic induction. Wireless charger refers to the charger that does not need to be connected to the terminal device that needs to be charged without the traditional charging power cord, using the latest wireless charging technology, through the use of the magnetic field generated between the coils, the magic transmission of electrical energy, inductive coupling technology will become a bridge connecting the charging base station and equipment.

    3, generally seen wireless charging, the use of "current magnetic effect" and "electromagnetic induction" principle. The year 1819Danish scientist Elster observed that if there is an electric current on a wire, a magnetic field will be generated around it, which can deflect the north finger. Later generations have further found that the wire is encircled into a ring, or even wound into a coil, and the magnetic field generated will be stronger and more concentrated, which is called the "current magnetic effect."

    4, there is no strong radiation, no effect on the human body! The main principle is: the way of wireless charging is electromagnetic induction, magnetic resonance, electric field coupling and radio wave transmission, etc. Most of the wireless charging of mobile phones uses the principle of electromagnetic induction.

    5, wireless charging is also known as inductive charging or non-connectionTouch induction charging, based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, does not require transmission cables to transmit electricity to the device like traditional wired chargers, but the device that needs to be charged can be charged by contacting the wireless charging base.

    6, hello, wireless charging is the use of electromagnetic induction principle, the charging device is equipped with electromagnetic induction coil, the charging device is also equipped with electromagnetic coil.

    What is a Wireless Charging Emission Board (PCBA)?

    This part is a circuit board (PCBA)=Printed Circuit Board Assembly), is the combination of specific components welded to the function of the printed circuit board composed of this part.

    PCBA is the abbreviation of Printed Circuit Board Assembly, Chinese translation for printed circuit board assembly. PCBA is the process of assembling and welding the electronic components (such as chips, capacitors, resistors, etc.) on the printed circuit board in accordance with the circuit diagram, and physically and electrically connecting the electronic components and the printed circuit board to form a complete circuitSystem.

    PCBA is short for Printed Circuit Board Assembly, also known as circuit board. That is to say, the PCB empty board through the SMT on the piece, or through the DIP plug-in of the entire process, referred to as PCBA. This is a commonly used writing method in China, while the standard writing method in Europe and the United States is PCBA, with "", which is called the official idiom.

    PCB refers to an empty circuit board. In this state, the board does not contain any electronic components and looks like green SLATE with dividing lines and Spaces. thereforeThe PCB itself cannot be used for work unless and until the entire assembly is completed. PCBA, on the other hand, is also known as the process of welding and assembling electronic components on circuit boards and finished/assembled circuit boards. The finished PCBA is actually used for electronic devices rather than PCBS.

    Find a simple mobile phone wireless charger circuit diagram or schematic diagram and schematic analysis

    Electromagnetic induction type primary coil a certain frequency of alternating current, through electromagnetic induction in the secondary coil to produce a certain current, thusTransfer energy from the transmitting end to the receiving end.

    The above is the schematic diagram, the principle used is the principle of electromagnetic induction.

    Wireless charging technology is the use of electromagnetic induction principle, in the sending and receiving end with the corresponding coil to send and receive the induced current to charge.

    The so-called wireless charging technology only uses the electromagnetic wave induction principle and the related AC induction technology, and uses the corresponding coil to send and receive the induced AC signal at the sending and receiving end to charge. Nothing high-tech, just magnetic fields! The charger has a coil on the batteryThere's also a coil, which you put close to form something like a transformer. But it's very inefficient, and it's very radioactive.

    About Henggang mobile phone wireless charging pcba solution development and wireless charging pcb design this is the end of the introduction, do not know you find the information you need? If you want to know more about this, remember to follow this site. < / p >